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Turnaround Time

I have 4 submissions in at PCGS. My first sent was received on 4/26/22 and second received 4/28/22. These two submissions have been in for grading for over 100 days and both are 'regular' submissions. My question is: is this normal for Regular service?


  • PapiNEPapiNE Posts: 330 ✭✭✭

    It's a bit longer than I would expect. Add time if additional services were requested such as variety attribution. A call to customer service may be the way to go.

    USAF veteran 1984-2005

  • This is a regular submission with only 2 coins in one submission and 3 in the other. Even with varieties doesn't it seem like 80+ days is a little extensive?

    I can't seem to get through by phone. There always in a meeting.

    Thank you for your time though.
    Steve Boyer 2241015

  • morgandollar1878morgandollar1878 Posts: 4,006 ✭✭✭✭✭

    It has been pretty typical for long turnaround times for grading. The volume of coins that they are receiving for submissions has been huge since the market has been on fire. COVID has also been a problem in the grading process. You should be getting close, hang in there.

    Instagram: nomad_numismatics
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