J.J. Watt finds a snake in his bathroom

in Sports Talk
J.J. Watt found a snake in his bathroom yesterday, if you wish to hear his story watch the video below!
No photographic evidence, just his word... Fake News?
No, there are no photos of the actual snake in question, so I will have to provide a theory of what happened in that bathroom yesterday as J.J. Watt happened upon the snake. I suspect the snake was in the bathroom attempting to use the toilet, it may have gotten ahold of some bad Taco Bell.
The following is a dramatization of what may have taken place when J.J. Watt discovered the small reptilian beast in his bathroom:
Check it out, this is the biggest snake that ever existed, it is a prehistoric snake named the Titanoboa.
The Titanoboa, a monster among men!
Titanoboa - Living in the SW desert where we see diamondbacks on a weekly basis and try not to step on them and get bit on our daily hikes, I thought I'd seen it all. Nope. Good news is that Titanoboa would have a hard time hiding under the creosote or blending in with the sand. Bad news, well................................
This is a 24 foot long Python that is in the Guinness Book of records, it's name is Fluffy!
Fluffy is as strong as 6 men. If that thing wrapped that guy he would be done. It would take probably at least 3-4 people to get that snake off of him. Think of Hulk Hogan's bicep in his prime and than magnify that to 24 feet. Fluffy is amazing. RIP Fluffy in 2010.
I believe it.....It's no joke boys..... Snakes in the bathroom are vey common. A King Snake crawled right into the bathtub with me one time....they are harmless.....They kill rattlesnakes..... I kept that King Snake around the house for years.......Just never knew it would get so friendly!

I've seen this many times.....
Don't get bit in the as* by that one!.....They get into the septic tank and find a way out!
They love hanging out by the door......the cool breeze and cool tile floor! When my Dad was a boy, he went out the front door one night. He felt something on his boot....but he was a kid....he didn't look!....When he came back in the house...... a rattlesnake had it's fangs stuck in his boot! Always by the doorway!
Always do this and MORE!
I got bit....lucky to be here today....Ouch!
Just recently. Back yard. I've blasted 10 of those suckers recently!.... LOOK OUT!!
I'm shocked to hear he didn't get an injury 😕
Could've been bad. The baby rattlesnakes are the worst. Even very small ones. That's what tagged me. Unless you just step on one, they always coil up and start that rattling noise when they sense danger so they are easy to locate. And they don't strike unless you Polk them with a stick. But the babies don't do that. They just strike and their rattles are so small that you can't hear them as a warning. Just like with Watt's experience, they tend to be found in the corners of the bathroom when in the house. They like the cool tile floor. Or laying on any doorway threshold.

The best way to get a snake out of the house is to remain calm. Then GENTLY place a length of pvc or abs pipe that is capped on one end in front of the snakes head. Then get a broom and GENTLY touch the snakes tail. The snake will immediately crawl into the pipe. Every time. Trapped! Works for lizards too!
Snake Trap!
The way to get a rattlesnake in the open outside, if you don't have a gun handy, is this.....Polk the snakes head with a shovel rake, long stick, etc. The snake will coil and start rattling. Then it stops rattling. Then Polk it's head with the stick. It will strike. Then coil up again.....Do that 3 or 4 times and then the snake will lose all of it's energy and just lay still. Then very cautiously, chop it's head off or drop a BIG rock on it........A 12 gauge works best!
Other than the time that I got bit, the worst experience I ever had with one in the house? Living in the shack on the ranch with my best friend. Young guys. Got up in the morning and walked by my sleeping friends bed. There was a small rattlesnake laying across his forehead! HOLY SH*T!.......Panic City!......What to do? Well, ever so gently I moved the covers off his feet. I got a broom. Then positioned myself for two simultanous moves. I pushed the snake with the broom and at the same time jerked my friends foot and pulled him off the bed. Man, that was scary.