1967 quarter,

in Q & A Forum
On the reverse ,between the eagles legs ,there is a guy standing there,with a long nose ,with his right arm up ,holding somthing,something, I know I'm awake and not dreaming, any explanation for this?
I wish I could post a picture so no one thinks I've done fell off my rocker!
Someone was nice enough to tell me that sometimes people alter coins,which is what happened here,I'm glad that is what it is in this case,I was checking my head for knots,
I wish I could show a picture of this,people need to leave coins alone and not altar them
Do you have a smart phone? If so just a photo and then go to the thread and hit the little picture of the mountains at the far right of the menu items above the text box.
It says upload url ,what does that mean
Your role is "Members" (thought it used to be "Member" 🤔) so you should be able to post photos.
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