1847/43 Central American Republic 8 reales - does this coin exist?

I have noticed several NGC graded coins slabbed as 1847/43 Central American Republic 8 reales. This is confusing to me because there was no 1843 issue, so I don't see where NGC came up with this overdate.
Here are four NGC graded coins on ebay right now. Two are slabbed an 1847/6 and two are slabbed an 1847/43. Can anyone tell which is which without guessing??
Two of the coins that are slabbed differently exhibit the same die crack in the same spot. So to my eye they were made from the same die and can't possibly be different overdates.
Can anyone confirm I'm not going crazy here and that this supposed overdate is really just 1847/6?
The appear to be 7/6's to me.
8 Reales Madness Collection
No such thing as a 47/3.
To confirm, there's a good resource for die varieties for the series.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
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