NFL teams with highest attendance

in Sports Talk
I can't believe the Browns are at the top.
I can't believe the Browns are at the top.
I do believe it......The high fan attendance in Cleveland is why the Browns management doesn't give a rat's as* about the product on the field. The fans show up no matter how bad the team is. Could be;.....There's a sucker born every minute...... Or.......The Cleveland area is starved for entertainment venues......I think it's the latter.........Where is Keets when we need him?
And the Rams........when they played at the Memorial Colesium, there were countless stories about how the stadium could seat 80,000+ but only 60,000 were in attendance....... Proof that the Rams had no fan base!!!!.........Well here is the truth of the matter......Only 60,000 seats were available for sale......Reason?.....The neighborhood is not safe and fans, especially out of towners , would park on side streets that were dangerous after dark. So, the Rams had to pay L.A.P.D. for fan protection over a very wide area......Cost benefit analysis?......Sell less seats, pay L.A.P.D. less, and put the fans in the stadium parking lots where they are safe. Win/Win! It's not a problem at Sofi.....Police stations and fire dept. Stations on every corner......Result?....... A packed house!
Interesting, I see the Broncos at #8, one of my uncles went to a Broncos game back in I believe 2013, wasn't Manning playing for them back then? Anyway, it was a packed house. My uncle is pictured on the left, he is a hardcore Virginia Tech fan, unless he's rooting for the Broncos!
what time frame?
Why both home and away?
I would like to know the answer to that myself, I found it on Twitter. I would contact the Fox Sports Twitter account and ask them, but I'm still being watched by the Twitter brass for harassing Air Bud, so I better not.
You harassed AirBud ?? You probably also made fun of Spuds McKenzie back in the day...didn't you ??
Spuds McKenzie is cool, I like him, he knows how to have a good time!
Air Bud gets on my nerves, just like those dogs that never learn their lesson from eating too much Taco Bell.