Couple questions about an inherited collection

in Stamps Forum
Helping a family member with a stamp collection passed on to them, I have been very honest that most stamps are not worth more than a couple cents wholesale. These two from what I'm seeing appear to have some value. I know coins well, but stamps are a new area. Is there value in getting stamps professionally graded, especially these two that might be worth something? Additionally, I know the spread on stamps from wholesale-retail is impressive, how would you recommend maximizing value for time spent.
I wouldn't grade them. Their condition doesn't warrant the fees.
For those two stamps I'd list on e-Bay at 99 cent starting auctions and hope for the best.
I'm guessing $300-$400 they'll end up selling for.
Forget about stamp grading unless you have primo stamps that "investors", not collectors, want. Third party stamp grading has never really caught on with the true collectors.
Both stamps you show have serious faults. They are strictly space fillers for budget collectors. I have no idea what they would bring in that condition.
Yes, those stamps have value but not in their conditions. I would list the entire collection in one lot auction and hope for the best.
if you list on ebay, post the item number here. i may end up bidding.