Matthew Stafford severe tendonitis in throwing elbow

It looks like Stafford might be playing through some pain this season, I'm hearing he has severe tendonitis in his throwing elbow.
If Stafford has actually been diagnosed with tendinitis, his injury will likely be difficult to treat, an orthopedic medical professional told CBS Sports, and it would be imperative that he rest his arm as much as possible before the season. It's very possible, even if the pain subsides, that it could flare up again during and throughout the season; at that point, it would be a matter of Stafford's tolerance for pain while throwing, if he kept playing. Repeat injections, it should be noted, can ultimately weaken tendons.
He's got the Bills on the 8th!
He's just going to have to suck it up, and take it like a man!
Brett Favre was a tough as nails quarterback, I believe this injury report was from a 2000 game.
I'll give Matthew Stafford credit, he is pretty darn tough himself.
I am guessing that the initial reports are slightly exaggerated, and for a reason. And he did play a lot longer last year than he is accustomed to. Plus he has sometimes employed a side arm release. He'll be fine.
He's tough, for our sake I hope he's ok, Hydrant will beat the crap out of us if things start going bad the Rams. Go Rams!
Don't worry Dragon Master.....I'm not that kind of a guy. I will say this.....If Stafford goes down..... the Rams haven't got a chance because the back-up QB Wolford(?) is a total zip/zero. I suspect negotiations are happening right now to find a backup. Jimmy G.?? .......There's nothing that Shanahan and the Niners would hate more than that. Shanahan and McVay and their teams have a fierce rivalary.......I like it......Jimmy G.......In blue and gold! If it could be pulled off?.......The Rams are cinch repeat champs.🙏
It would be awesome to see Stafford and Jimmy G. rotating behind center..........The opposing defense would be in total confusion. Unbeatable duo!!!!!!!..🙏🙏
Karma for not helping that photographer who fell off that stage taking pictures of him and then just turning his back while taking a swig of his drink while leaving his wife to deal with it???
Laundry.....With all due respect..... And I mean it......Sincerely.... What do you think Stafford should have done? I have reviewed over and over every video that I could find of the incident. At first he appeared very callous....To me...But if you look closely he was in the motion of turning away from her at the same time she fell. What makes people think he even saw it happen?... It happened so quickly. And..... What happened when she hit the ground?.... No videos of that that I have seen....None......Maybe , most likely, CERTAINLY, there were people there to assist her. AGAIN!..... at first his reaction looked bad to me.....but my conclusion?...... It was an accident and the lady, bless her heart, was careless......accidents happen..... It's a fact of life.....we all know that. What, in your opinion, should he have done?......
And, Brother I believe in Karma. Or rather......What Goes Around Comes Around....... I believe that.....but, I just don't know about this incident other than it looked like an accident.......Stafford had nothing to do with it......Why put any blame or responsibility on him? .Poor Lady....I hope she's o.k.
It seemed pretty classless to turn his back and leave it to his wife to address the situation. I'm not saying he should have done anything in particular, but come on, to just turn your back and walk away like it was nothing?? I believe that lady ended up in the hospital with serious injuries. It was a horrible look on his part and it definitely changed my opinion of him.
And,....If he did see her fall?......It is common human behaviour to look away from disturbing things..... Just because Stafford is an NFL QB that doesn't make him a Super Hero with magical powers of flight, who can fly through the air to save the woman folk.

His wife didn't do anything other than to look concerned. She didn't leap over the edge to the rescue. What could she do? It was an unfortunate accident. It happened. Nano second stuff.

@hydrant I have not spoken much of this incident on here, or at all, since the aftermath of when it happened. I do remember you saying that it didn't look good for Stafford, as you said above. Now you are saying that there are different shots that show him turning as, not after, she fell. I have not seen those. Stafford did in fact, on his wife's podcast not too long after the incident, say that he wished he would reacted differently. I would guess that he possibly didn't remember as much of how it went down as we might think, and had to use video evidence to remind him of how he did react. So that would mean that his statement was made in direct response to watching the same video that we all watched.
I think that we are talking about two different things as well. Meaning....did he see it, and could he have done anything about it anyway? Either way, we all know that he could not have done anything immediately, other than instinctively show compassion even during his highly intoxicated and jubilant state.
hydrant I love you man, but you are saying some downright crazy things in this thread
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Hey, guys......accidents happen..... I don't claim to be a hero.... But as I posted on another thread yesterday, I have spent the majority of my life on the road as a truck driver........ I've seen it all......I have personally risked my life to save people from burning car crashes...... Three times at least. Once before I got to the car it exploded in a fireball.......I didn't think twice..... But, the last time that I dragged someone from a wreck in which smoke was coming from the engine compartment, here's what happened........... A Volkswagen beetle went over the side of the road where I live. I was behind it....I stopped and went down to help. The Volkswagen was upside down and a teenage boy was hanging from his seatbelt....... There was smoke and the smell of gasoline...... I got him out.......I took him to a California Department of Forrestry station....... I was concerned........ Then the boys mother showed up........The boy pointed at me and said that I caused the accident...... I couldn't believe it.....I maybe saved his life and he told mommy that!......I was detained...... AND then it was lawyers!!!!.... BS.......That was the last time I will ever go to the rescue of a stranger unless it's a child.....Sometimes it doesn't pay, boys.......yea, maybe Stafford was a jerk.......maybe the lady is one too......People are weird..... Not My Problem.
Hydrant, I will start by saying you and DD are by far my 2 favorite posters on this forum. I love your posts! But on this subject we must agree to disagree.
And,....I want to add that where the kids car ended up.....NOBODY would have seen it driving down the road..... Totally hidden from view...... The kid was lucky!
Thanks, We gotta stick together!..... You're o.k. too......BUT THE COWBOYS!!!!!!........OMG!...... Love ya bro!
@hydrant it's okay to admit that Stafford acted less than classy during that moment. These guys, the players, are just people, and more often than not you can find the truly good people much close to home and heart rather than a television screen. And I feel as though you already know this, but it probably just pains you that this came up again. But you have to just let it be a part of it. Brady, the GOAT, my QB, has been disparaged and deservedly so for some of his actions throughout the (many) years of his NFL dominance. 😎
That is a terrible story Hydrant. I hope you were vindicated in the end?
Laundry Hat check your PMs......sent you one but I think I screwed up. Did you get it?
Yes sir. I got it. Thanks.
No one holds a candle to Aaron Rodgers, the undisputed king of weirdness, who by the way I am looking forward to thoroughly roasting this season. I can't wait to see what delightful scandals he presents us with next.
It turned out o.k.........after that, The Lovely Mrs Hydrant™ told me to, "Stop trying to be the hero." Then,.....a few months later, I was working on the ranch.....I heard a KABOOMB!....out on the road.....I looked and a school bus was there........I ran down to the road!.......head on collision!.....another Volkswagen beetle!...... There was a dead guy laying about 20' from the crash!....His eyes were open and his right hand was laying about 3' away! I took off my shirt and covered his face.....THEN!!!!!.....OH,...NO!......A woman and her baby!.....still alive....barely..........I did what I could and then the Dept. of Forestry rescue showed up and took everyone away........Much later, a woman showed up at my door with a present....... I didn't know her.......The present was a shirt to replace the one that I placed over the dead guy......She said, "You saved me and my baby."........ We've been friends ever since.....She walks with a limp now and the girl has a nasty forehead scar and shes a mommy now! Oh, Well.....All's well that ends well........There is a God......He puts us where we need to be........I believe it.....
That's the thing, perhaps, with Rodgers. He doesn't exactly, in my opinion, present us with scandals. He just isn't on par with the GOAT in terms of work ethic, commitment, and leadership. He exists on a different, lower tier almost all his own. I can only guess, but it seems that Rodgers has come to grips with that and is enjoying the twilight years of his career. For the record, he is NOT in the GOAT (new definition) conversation.
You know, I have to say I'm disappointed in Aaron Rodgers a bit, I mean the man is out there playing quarterback stoned on psychedelic mushrooms!
They better figure out a treatment plan, without Stafford this team is sunk
I'd bet he'll get a steroid shot or two to alleviate the pain.
Looking a little warm up there Paul. You were hotter than me this AM, which is saying something!!
Great!..... Only problem now is that I have no idea what it was about. 😵 Did it make any sense, because I thought maybe I hit send before I finished it? Are we still friends?
It's oppressive lol
All's good Hydrant. Of course still friends. You're the man!
this injury doesnt look good for stafford. It is really surprising an entire offseason didn't alleviate the tendonitis. playing and practicing all season will do nothing good for that elbow.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I have not dug too deep into into this story, maybe @hydrant knows more, but as far as I know he was already dealing with this last year. I've seen people calling it something similar to tennis elbow, and I've seen people comparing it to Montana's elbow issues.