Hollywood Brown, moron extraordinaire

in Sports Talk
bro did you not learn a thing from Henry Ruggs ?
dude was put in cuffs because he was clocked @ 126
there has gotta be a correlation between a diminutive receiver's foot speed and how hard they hit the gas
if a 4.3 guy regularly experiences the rush of blowing by people, is it out of the realm to think that his brain will have a difficult time making the proper adjustment once he gets behind a wheel ?
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I don't know about that theory, but I do know guys who just love to drive as fast as possible. I've never been that guy, and I don't feel comfortable with those speeds. Nor do I seek them out. Some people seek out the thrill. Speed is not a thrill for me. I get nervous. It certainly adds an additional element of danger not only for yourself but the other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.
I was a truck driver for 40+ years. Operating farm equipment since I was 9/10 years old. Still do that. Heavy construction equipment operator. Forklifts......BIG ONES.....Earth movers.....BIG ONES.....Driving logging trucks in California, Oregon, Washington. Long haul Pacific to Atlantic to Gulf Coast... I spent my whole life behind the wheel........I've seen it all......When I have passengers in my car they always are bothered because I drive so slow.....55-60mph......but I always get to the destination first before everyone else..... and alive. They can't figure it out........The Tortoise and The Hare????.......I've seen it all out there on the road...... And it's not a pretty picture. Bottom line.........SPEED KILLS!......Slow down boys.......it's not worth it. ARRIVE ALIVE!
P.S. Do you know that 60mph equals 88 feet per second?..... Think about it.
I've only recieved one speeding ticket in my life. I was 21 years old driving a logging truck down California 395 along the Sierra Nevada East front......Probably doing 70/75 mph. The Highway Patrol Officer said, "Boy, do you want to live?...Then SLOW DOWN!"...... I took the advise...... Best thing I ever did.....except of course Hitchin' up with The Lovely Mrs Hydrant™.......Even Losers Get Lucky Some Times!
But have you been pulled over for speeding and just gotten a warning or nothing at all/no ticket?
No. Never. When I when I began driving trucks, the Big Rig speed limit in California was 55mph....And only drive in the slow lane except for passing. To this day, no matter what vehicle I'm driving, it's 55mph and in the slow lane except for passing. And no tail gating. Tail gaters drive me nuts. They are the reason for most accidents. The road I drive everyday is a two lane country road. It is the 3rd most dangerous road in the State of California. I pull off the road every day several times to let the tailgating speeders pass. It drives my passengers nuts but it is the California Driver Handbook recommended procedure. Two lane country roads are dangerous!....... I have seen more deadly head on collisions on that road that you could imagine. When I was a kid to today I have seen the worst on that road........I was an on scene witness to the most number of people fatality crash in the history of New Mexico....all caused because of speeding. I saw it coming an hour earlier before it happened...... Distracted speeding drivers.......A van of girl high school basketball players.....Horrific...... Tortoise and Hare.....all morning long.......I stood in the middle of the highway trying to flag them down to stop......they didn't even see me standing in the middle of the road.....right on by! I could go on forever.......Bottom Line.....SPEED KILLS!....and now add in cell phones!..... Obeying traffic laws is more important to me than the Rams!......
Showboat.......I don't want to confuse you any more than I already have.....As in......Is Hydrant a baseball coach or a truck driver????.....Well, the answer is that driving was very flexible for me......90% of my time on the road was during fall and winter. I could schedule it around the baseball season.....Wow!,...did I lose a lot of money!..... But, I had to be there for the game.......that was the important thing.... Something money can't buy......Luckily, The Lovely Mrs Hydrant™ was understanding....... Besides, you can't have a marriage when one of the participants is absent.
"Little Bobby hit his first home run
But I was on the road somewhere between Memphis and Little Rock."
I choke up every time I hear that song..
"Wish I was There", by John Anderson.
@Hydrant I know just what you mean about tailgating. I do. I try to leave myself proper distance. People hate it, but it avoids most every collision. I'm not saying I'm a perfect driver, but I really try to do that. And I'm familiar with the long , winding road. Two lanes. No barrier. Etc. Very dangerous.
Showboat.....I retired a year or so ago.....No more California Freeways!!!.....But before that.....every day going to and from work there was a rear end accident. And the person standing next to the rear car was ALWAYS a young woman....tailgating and on the cellphone!....... Two(?) years ago a young woman was behind me and on her phone......flipping me off. The Bird!.....Bumper to bumper traffic. I couldn't do anything if I wanted too. Then she swerved onto the shoulder, passed me, and flipped me off.......a mile down the road there was her car......she flipped it over!.....Oh, God!
exhibit A as to why i called Marquise Brown what i did. you drive that fast and hit someone, death is all but guaranteed.
caught this on the news here. it happened just outside of Los Angeles a few days ago. the woman driving this car -- who survived, unbelievably -- is a traveling nurse from Houston with a history of wrecks and mental episodes. clearly one took place in this clip. she blew through a busy intersection going 90+ and killed a woman who was 8 months pregnant and was on her way to a prenatal checkup. her boyfriend also died, as well as her son. a family wiped out in the blink of an eye while simply crossing an intersection. a total of 6 people perished.
hard to watch, but it serves as a reminder..............slow down people, and keep your head on a swivel
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Ann heche
The crash went down just after noon in the Mar Vista area of Los Angeles. Witnesses tell TMZ, she was driving a blue Mini Cooper and crashed into the garage of an apartment complex.
Residents of the apartment complex tried getting Anne out of the vehicle but she put the car in reverse and then sped off. A short time later, she crashed into a nearby home, igniting a fire. The fire was significant and engulfed the house.