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Brian Bello debuts tonight for the Red Sox

tommyrusty7tommyrusty7 Posts: 2,012 ✭✭✭✭

and Chris Sale starts for the Woosox.
I will be going back and forth to watch both games.
Could be a big night going forward.


  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,823 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Irrational exuberance!!

    Chris Sale has been nothing but a boat anchor to ther Red Sox team for the past two years. He has a perennial entry on the IL, and the amount of money he's been paid with his guaranteed contract is beyond stunning, even for me, who constantly posts about insane money being paid for poor to dismal performance for the team overall. How crazy is this...Sale signed for 2022 (according to ESPN) for $30 milion, with a signing bonus of $25.6 million!!! That's over a MILLION a week for sitting on his backside. Don't care if he starts for Joe's Pizza in Abington, he is on my top loser list in the dumbo Red Sox team acquisitions. They should have dumped him when the tea leaves became gin clear that this guy was a walking IL.

    Brian Bello WGAS??? They'll pull him in the 6th, the new de rigueur of MLB, they days of real baseball is long over. I doubt he'll make the 6th, I won't be watching. Pivetta stunk it up early, giving up 8 hits and 7 runs after being yanked by Cora. Gee, I thought he was so good. I wonder what the great Blooming is thinking...I think I know...Oh my God, the Yankees are coming, the Yankees are coming

    Typically, in my past experience, going to a Yankee - Red Sox game in Fenway was most enjoyed on a Friday night with a buddy. Well, there are 3 monster seats left at stubhub...2nd row, and pony up $800 per seat. Bring on the crazed Yankees fans wearing Yankee gear...worth the price of admission, be careful if you do!! Fair warning!!

    Take a road trip and enjoy New Mexico, I've been there, it'l beautiful, and I drove all around, including Madrid, Chaco and a couple of casinos. You are too obsessed with the Red Sox, but, oddly you fail to point out their short comings, only when they excel. I see both sides most of the time, and for the amount of money these guys make they are not fulfilling expectation.

    The Red Sox are 13 games back, and soon could be much, much more. It's time to Cowboy up, or make travel plans for the Fall. Their only hope at this point is a Wildcard spot.

  • tommyrusty7tommyrusty7 Posts: 2,012 ✭✭✭✭

    My traveling days are over Al.
    I spend my time now watching tv and playing pogo on my computer.
    I hope for the best with the Red Sox Patriots and Buksbut if they don't succeed I just move on from there.
    Believe me I see the shortfalls of the Red Sox.

  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,823 ✭✭✭✭✭


    Only if you stop moving!
    Take some short day trips, you don't have to drive to Chaco.

    I'm quickly cruising into 78, and today is my wif'es 70th birthday. We are slowing down a bit, thankfully for me, I had some back injections yesterday to relieve some walking pain. PAIN IS GONE!! I felt a couple of stingers, but worth it, best 20 minutes I spent having a procedure in a long time. Best doctor I have ever had the pleasure of having in my life, PERFECT.

    The point is if you give in you get left out. We are going on a 12 day cruise to Greece in September, and a 7 day cruise to Hawaii in March, and planning more. As long as I can move I'm gonna spend our money and enjoy life as best we can. I hope my bank balance is $1.00 or less when I die.

    We have agreed to go somewhere every 6 months, and that is exactly what we're gonna do. We only have "x" years left, and if I sit on my ass, it's gonna fly by and at some point I won't be able to do squat. Geez, take a cruise, you don't have to get off, just sit on your balcony and drink in the view and fall asleep listening to the waves hit the ship...they do have room service and they will assist you getting onboard. I always travel with Celebrity...AVOID Carnival!

    You gotta get out of the recliner!! Yes, I know your wife has mobility issues, but when life gives you lemons, you gotta take it head on and make lemonade. I live in a DelWebb retirement community, almost weekly I hear of ailments, deaths, etc, etc, I try to tune it out and realize where I am in life. I've had a damn good run, but I ain't done running yet!!

    As for the Red Sox, you and I both know it'll never, ever, ever, ever be like it was in the 50s and 60s. It's hard for me to watch players who make unthinkable fortunes and don't perform, they are paid for an expectation that seems to be fleeting, and its all guaranteed money where it should be performance based. Of course the fans always take it in the neck, paying insane prices, like the $800 for the monster. Pitchers who never tip their caps as the fans give them ovations for performance, players who never touch the top step of the dugout like it was electrified, and others who hit homers and never wave to the crowd. These clowns are prima donnas and think they're above the regular blue collar dude struggling to get by and take his kid to a game and have some fun. Money at some point will kill this game. How the hell can you be wrong 66% of the time and people love you?

    Kinda reminds me of my long gone mother. Living in Massachusetts, she thought Kennedy hung the moon, she actually began collecting Kennedy half-dollars and made a trip to DC to visit his grave. She never saw the Kennedy I found out was an incredible womanizer. We tend to block out what we don't want to see or know. Me, I call it like I see it and that's the reason I am so hard on this team. When they do well I compliment, when they play like chumps I give 'em hell, and they deserve it.

    Enjoy the games.


  • thisistheshowthisistheshow Posts: 9,386 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Let me try to set the table...I've been away from the forum for maybe a week. I stated that I would be taking a months break. This is hopefully still true. While this is obviously not of pressing importance to anyone but myself, I feel that it needs to be stated for context. After this perhaps my words will appear more prescient.

    I checked in on the forum today without the intent of logging in. I just wanted to see if anything was afoot. I saw this thread. I opened it. And I knew immediately that I would be remiss if I did not share the following...

    As of this moment, you @MCMLVTopps are no longer allowed to rain on @tommyrusty7 's Red Sox parade. HARD STOP THAT'S IT

    If you, or someone else, doesn't know what I am talking about, I apologize.

    It has been over one year since @tommyrusty7 stated that he no longer travels. He said that in response to your suggestion that he travel instead of watch the Red Sox. And yet, here we find ourselves again, with you @MCMLVTopps having the nerve to tell him again that he should get out and travel. We get it. You like to travel. More-so you are in a financial and physical situation which allows you to travel. Everyone has a different story... Would you like to hear mine?

  • tommyrusty7tommyrusty7 Posts: 2,012 ✭✭✭✭

    I have done those things you are doing now and enjoyed doing them but it has to stop sometime. I bought a new car 4 years ago and have put only 14000 miles on it. My wife has advanced copd and on oxygen 24/7 plus other ailments which make it impossible for her to even go to a casino which we both enjoy.
    I have no problem with your analyst of the Sox as I always say after the seasons "wait till next year" and next year hardly ever comes but its something to do.

  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,823 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 6, 2022 10:19AM

    @thisistheshow said:
    Let me try to set the table...I've been away from the forum for maybe a week. I stated that I would be taking a months break. This is hopefully still true. While this is obviously not of pressing importance to anyone but myself, I feel that it needs to be stated for context. After this perhaps my words will appear more prescient.

    I checked in on the forum today without the intent of logging in. I just wanted to see if anything was afoot. I saw this thread. I opened it. And I knew immediately that I would be remiss if I did not share the following...

    As of this moment, you @MCMLVTopps are no longer allowed to rain on @tommyrusty7 's Red Sox parade. HARD STOP THAT'S IT

    If you, or someone else, doesn't know what I am talking about, I apologize.

    It has been over one year since @tommyrusty7 stated that he no longer travels. He said that in response to your suggestion that he travel instead of watch the Red Sox. And yet, here we find ourselves again, with you @MCMLVTopps having the nerve to tell him again that he should get out and travel. We get it. You like to travel. More-so you are in a financial and physical situation which allows you to travel. Everyone has a different story... Would you like to hear mine?

    I suggest you stick to your months hiatus. That you find you need to be the board monitor is at least disappointing and rude at best. I am well aware of his wife's condition, although he has posted not long ago that he has taken her to the casino and enjoyed the day. If memory serves, less than a year ago they took a trip to Las Vegas, which they both enjoyed according to him. As I also recall he talked about staying at The Excalibur with his son. My intent was that he should do whatever, its possible to enjoy life with her as best he can and get some fresh air. All well intended suggestions. I find it appaling that you would interpret them otherwise. Words are easy in cyberspace, it lacks the ability for emphasis, proper dialog and intent. You have missed the mark by a thousand miles.

    Yes, I like to travel, if that appeared to be boastful to you, I assure you it was not. I was merely sharing some wonderful experiences of travel and always encouraged others to do so. I sadly live with too many people who think Bingo is a big deal, they are very wealthy but appear not to enjoy what they have.

    That I have the funds to do so is called "planning for the future" and saving while you're young and learn the basic Econs of time value of money and compound interest. My wife and I did without many things, most of which you will never know, nor appreciate. I have posted several times that if you're young, have the finances and are able, to do indeed travel. My physical situation is not as pristine as you might think. I was recently facing back surgery, but it appears I have dodged that bullet for now.

    If Rusty, or the PSA monitor think I've over stepped, then they can speak up. It's called responding to a post, like I'm responding to yours. And yes, I do think he has some irrational exuberance over the Red Sox...he, like I used to, is basically reliving memories of the long gone glory days of the then long suffering Red Sox. He and I both have seen the giants of the game play in Fenway...Williams. Mantle, the list goes on and on.

    Till then, I would encourage you to post other things that don't chastise me for offering opinions. If in fact you choose to contiue to post your comments about my posts, it will only continue to show the board how shallow your are and in fact childish with such posts.

    Rest assured I will continue to post when I see a TommyRusty post that I care to make a comment about a lot ot times I just read and write nothing. You need not be so thin skinned to interpret so deeply into words in cyberspace.

    BTW, do consider a cruise to Croatia, it'll do you a world of good.

    Till then...enjoy life, its a short ride!!!

  • Alfonz24Alfonz24 Posts: 3,091 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Between the Trout / Brett dustups and this, can we:

    #LetsGoSwitzerlandThe Man Who Does Not Read Has No Advantage Over the Man Who Cannot Read. The biggest obstacle to progress is a habit of “buying what we want and begging for what we need.”You get the Freedom you fight for and get the Oppression you deserve.
  • craig44craig44 Posts: 11,115 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I will not get into an argument that is not mine, but I will second the notion that people should do things while they can. While I am not in my twilight yet (I hope!) the wife and I save and try to live more frugally than we need to in order to experience different things and places with the kids. I have seen too many older relatives while away their days playing UNO while they were healthy enough and had money in the bank they could have used to experience life.

    IF you are healthy and fortunate enough to be able to absorb the cost, experience life while you can.

    my 2 cents.

    George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.

  • tommyrusty7tommyrusty7 Posts: 2,012 ✭✭✭✭

    We really did enjoy ourselves up to a couple of years ago so have no complaints.

    Back on topic, I am excited about Bello and Sale pitching today.

  • Alfonz24Alfonz24 Posts: 3,091 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @tommyrusty7 said:
    We really did enjoy ourselves up to a couple of years ago so have no complaints.

    Back on topic, I am excited about Bello and Sale pitching today.

    I agree with do what you want, not what others' believe you should do.

    As for your Red Sox, at least they let Eduardo Rodriguez go. I see that he took personal leave from the Tigers and they have not heard from him in days. The Yeonis Cespedes approach.

    #LetsGoSwitzerlandThe Man Who Does Not Read Has No Advantage Over the Man Who Cannot Read. The biggest obstacle to progress is a habit of “buying what we want and begging for what we need.”You get the Freedom you fight for and get the Oppression you deserve.
  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,823 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 7, 2022 6:40AM

    @tommyrusty7 said:
    and Chris Sale starts for the Woosox.
    I will be going back and forth to watch both games.
    Could be a big night going forward.

    Both pitched poorly. Sale walks 5 batters, which is unheard of for him, against minor league batters. Claims he only needs a few bullpen sessions to correct his location problem.
    Bello gave up four runs on six hits and three walks in four innings in his major league debut. Not very impressive.
    Sox lose 7-1. Aside from the poor performance, where are the Red Sox bats? Now in 3rd place, 14 games back of the Yankees, who are now in Boston for a series. This could be the door slammer and their WC lead is down to 1/2 game.

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