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Will Bogaerts and Freeman be in the same boat after free agency?

tommyrusty7tommyrusty7 Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭✭

One was a free agent last year.
Both said they wanted to remain with their current teams.
Freeman did not sign with his team and now regrets it.,
Bogearts wants to go the free agent to see what he can get.
I hope he makes the right decision as the sox will have somebody ready to go for next year one way or another.
The Sox want him to stay but only if they can get him at a reasonable salary.

I think the Red Sox are right!

How do you all feel?


  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,917 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have zero interest in what MEGA MILLIONAIRES playing a kid's game 6 months a year for 3 hrs a day, actually 1.5 hours, 6 days a week do, or don't do. Both Bogearts and Freeman are truly mega, and I do mean MEGA millionaires, how much do you need to be content in life with incredible homes, toys and the ability to travel the world and do things most normal people could never do?

    As for Freeman, he was born in Fountain Valley, CA and was a Dodgers fan...getting the picture here? HE entered free agency, nobody held a gun to his head and made him do so, he did it on his own. That he got in a twist over the Braves not offering him the moon to stay, he let his mouthpiece get involved, The Braves offered 5 yrs/$140m, his agent blew it off, countering with a much higher request. Now, let's see, 5 years with a guaranteed $140mil, comes to (assuming he plays every game, which he won't), = 810 games. We now divide that into $140,000,000, which = ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY TWO THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY NINE DOLLARS AND 51 CENTS PER GAME!!!!! That he refused!!! This royally ticked off the Braves management and they locked up Matt Olson, that's when Freeman's nose and ego got bent out of shape.
    The crocodile tears might have been heart felt upon his return to Truist Park last week, but I think they were more of, gee, I really screwed up. His comments along the way didn't help.

    As for Bogearts, matters not to me what he does either. I have no dog in the fight, have no control of the outcome, But, perhaps the genius, one Chaim Bloom, who is often seen in his private box playing with his laptop, will pull Xander out of the fire, I think not. All the Bloomer needs to do is find an up and coming second baseman and slide Story over. Case closed.

    Might be bye bye Devers too.

    That's how I feel.

  • tommyrusty7tommyrusty7 Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭✭

    I agree with you completely!
    The sox already have a 2nd basement (Hernandes) coming back of the IL shortly and I feel Bogearts is not the shortstop everyone is saying he is. If Devers ( who still makes a lot of throwing errors ) wants to go than so be it. In both cases someone is going to pay out a lot of money.

  • Alfonz24Alfonz24 Posts: 3,114 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Is it ego? Why do they want "TOP" dollar salaries when what they are being offered is still a big haul.

    Is it pressure from the MLBPA to get the most for other/ future players?

    #LetsGoSwitzerlandThe Man Who Does Not Read Has No Advantage Over the Man Who Cannot Read. The biggest obstacle to progress is a habit of “buying what we want and begging for what we need.”You get the Freedom you fight for and get the Oppression you deserve.
  • tommyrusty7tommyrusty7 Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭✭

    It has to stop somewhere as too many teams are being priced right out of the market.

  • craig44craig44 Posts: 11,525 ✭✭✭✭✭

    i have never had a problem with athletes trying to get the absolute most they can when it is time for free agency. i also don't have a problem with big-time ceo's, actors, singers, brain surgeons or any other profession wanting the most for their time. while athletes do get paid lots of money, to divide it up only on the few hours a game when they are actually playing is to me disingenuous. these guys are working out year-round, hard, to keep themselves in shape and their skill levels high.

    owners are not only paying for the 3 hour game times, they are paying for all the 6 AM training sessions during the off season that allows these players to compete at a high level.

    George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.

  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,917 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Alfonz24 said:
    Is it ego? Why do they want "TOP" dollar salaries when what they are being offered is still a big haul.

    Is it pressure from the MLBPA to get the most for other/ future players?

    I live in the Atlanta area, and have for well over 20 years. Point is, I get to listen to the local talking heads about Freddie this, and Freddie that. Of course they side with the Freddie of 12+ years with the team, never digging down too deeply into what the root cause of all this nonsense is.

    Freddie Freeman could easily have accepted the Braves offer of 5 yrs for $140m. It is a never ending greed of upping the payment to players ongoing. The signing of Matt Olson sent him over the edge (IMO), so, he did an "I'll show them" and jumped to LA. He realized he screwed up, and actually claimed he survived the mourning period of 3 months over the decision. How many of us would LOOOOOOOVVVVE to have tears over $162million guaranteed, let alone $140million guaranteed??

    Let's look at the Braves vs the Dodgers offer... Braves 5/$140m, Dodgers 6/$162m. The difference is 1 year and $27m. So, yes, his ego and nose got bent out of shape over $27m. I have ZERO sympathy for him, although he was crying like his dog died at Truist Park, because it hit him square in the face that he let his emotions get the best of him and he royally messed up, as did his agent with the counteroffer asking for obscene $$. I'm not a Braves fan, but the Braves fans adored Freddie, he could do no wrong...not to mention he already had 12 years with the team. He shot himself in the foot and it turned into a spectacle. Most, if not nearly all Braves fans couldn't tell you what the infield fly rule is, they kinda like to be seen at the game, kinda more of a social event, the antithesis of Red Sox fans. Their Babe Ruth has left the stage, and most don't know why. At the first announcing of him leaving the beloved Braves, I was expecting to hear a dirge playing as the Sports guys did their best to discuss the unthinkable. This event to them, was akin to Mickey Mantle leaving the Yankees and the next day playing for the Red Sox. BTW, Freddie just fired his agent...getting the picture here???

    No question that the MLBPA want more, more, more and more more for the players going forward. The ticket prices will skyrocket, and the poor blue collar worker trying to take his kids to a game will eventually require a 2nd mortgage. Have you seen what it costs to get Monster Seat tix in Fenway? You're gonna drop close to $1k to sit there. When I was a kid around 10 or 12, the bleachers in Fenway were 75 cents, AND seeing Ted Williams and Mickey Mantle play on the same field during the game, was PRICELESS. Baseball was magic then, now its a show, with too many egos chasing more and more money, if they're not careful they're gonna price themselves right out of the sweetest gig in this country, playing a kid's game for outrageous pay.

  • tommyrusty7tommyrusty7 Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭✭

    The biggest problem I see is too many teams can not afford to get into these bidding wars and can not put a decent team on the field.

  • daltexdaltex Posts: 3,486 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @MCMLVTopps said:
    I have zero interest in what MEGA MILLIONAIRES playing a kid's game 6 months a year for 3 hrs a day, actually 1.5 hours, 6 days a week do, or don't do. Both Bogearts and Freeman are truly mega, and I do mean MEGA millionaires, how much do you need to be content in life with incredible homes, toys and the ability to travel the world and do things most normal people could never do?

    As for Freeman, he was born in Fountain Valley, CA and was a Dodgers fan...getting the picture here? HE entered free agency, nobody held a gun to his head and made him do so, he did it on his own. That he got in a twist over the Braves not offering him the moon to stay, he let his mouthpiece get involved, The Braves offered 5 yrs/$140m, his agent blew it off, countering with a much higher request. Now, let's see, 5 years with a guaranteed $140mil, comes to (assuming he plays every game, which he won't), = 810 games. We now divide that into $140,000,000, which = ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY TWO THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY NINE DOLLARS AND 51 CENTS PER GAME!!!!! That he refused!!! This royally ticked off the Braves management and they locked up Matt Olson, that's when Freeman's nose and ego got bent out of shape.
    The crocodile tears might have been heart felt upon his return to Truist Park last week, but I think they were more of, gee, I really screwed up. His comments along the way didn't help.

    As for Bogearts, matters not to me what he does either. I have no dog in the fight, have no control of the outcome, But, perhaps the genius, one Chaim Bloom, who is often seen in his private box playing with his laptop, will pull Xander out of the fire, I think not. All the Bloomer needs to do is find an up and coming second baseman and slide Story over. Case closed.

    Might be bye bye Devers too.

    That's how I feel.

    I guess I just can't understand this point of view at all. I mean I have no idea of their financial needs, but do know that somewhere between 30 and 40 they won't be able to earn anything like what they're earning now, but that's not the point. Regardless of what the job is, if someone offered you 16% more for the same job wouldn't you at least consider it. And is there anyone here if their current employer offered them $172,839.51 per day would seriously say, no, that's too much. If you pay me $2000 per day that would be good. Because most of us could be very happy with $700,000 per year.

  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,917 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @daltex said:

    @MCMLVTopps said:
    I have zero interest in what MEGA MILLIONAIRES playing a kid's game 6 months a year for 3 hrs a day, actually 1.5 hours, 6 days a week do, or don't do. Both Bogearts and Freeman are truly mega, and I do mean MEGA millionaires, how much do you need to be content in life with incredible homes, toys and the ability to travel the world and do things most normal people could never do?

    As for Freeman, he was born in Fountain Valley, CA and was a Dodgers fan...getting the picture here? HE entered free agency, nobody held a gun to his head and made him do so, he did it on his own. That he got in a twist over the Braves not offering him the moon to stay, he let his mouthpiece get involved, The Braves offered 5 yrs/$140m, his agent blew it off, countering with a much higher request. Now, let's see, 5 years with a guaranteed $140mil, comes to (assuming he plays every game, which he won't), = 810 games. We now divide that into $140,000,000, which = ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY TWO THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY NINE DOLLARS AND 51 CENTS PER GAME!!!!! That he refused!!! This royally ticked off the Braves management and they locked up Matt Olson, that's when Freeman's nose and ego got bent out of shape.
    The crocodile tears might have been heart felt upon his return to Truist Park last week, but I think they were more of, gee, I really screwed up. His comments along the way didn't help.

    As for Bogearts, matters not to me what he does either. I have no dog in the fight, have no control of the outcome, But, perhaps the genius, one Chaim Bloom, who is often seen in his private box playing with his laptop, will pull Xander out of the fire, I think not. All the Bloomer needs to do is find an up and coming second baseman and slide Story over. Case closed.

    Might be bye bye Devers too.

    That's how I feel.

    I guess I just can't understand this point of view at all. I mean I have no idea of their financial needs, but do know that somewhere between 30 and 40 they won't be able to earn anything like what they're earning now, but that's not the point. Regardless of what the job is, if someone offered you 16% more for the same job wouldn't you at least consider it. If you pay me $2000 per day that would be good. Because most of us could be very happy with $700,000 per year.

    You missed the point...the point is...Freeman realized too late that he shot himself in the foot and really wanted to stay in Atlanta. His agent countered the Braves offer with a ridiculous increase in money. Are you really gonna tell me that when a player of Freeman's calibre, who has a current net worth of over $40 million is gonna be on beenie weenies after he turns 40? He can live like a king right now and never have to lift a finger. NO, I wouldn't consider the extra bucks from the Dodgers, I would stay where I was happy, avoid the noise and finish my career with the Braves. Money can't buy happiness, health or anything else, it just allows you to buy stuff, no more, no less.

    You wrote: "And is there anyone here if their current employer offered them $172,839.51 per day would seriously say, no, that's too much." You make my point! Freeman got pissed when they signed Matt Olson, thinking they had dissed him for not jumping on the counter from his agent. Freeman felt he was the Babe Ruth of the Braves team, well, he might have been right in his thinking, but the Olson thing lit his fuse, and it was game on. For sure, the Braves fans idolized this guy, and he felt it deeply when he returned. He did it to himself, and chose free agency to kinda tweak Braves management into hopefully getting, or becoming the highest paid first baseman in history. His tactic failed and he jumped ship, only to have a big OOPS moment.

    Financial needs?? Geez, he's already got $40million somewhere, and now a ton more coming from the Dodgers.

  • tommyrusty7tommyrusty7 Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭✭

    I think I could somehow survive on $40 million earning even a paltry 3 or 4 %. Some where loyalty has to emerge instead of greed.

  • Alfonz24Alfonz24 Posts: 3,114 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Next up, Aaron Judge.

    #LetsGoSwitzerlandThe Man Who Does Not Read Has No Advantage Over the Man Who Cannot Read. The biggest obstacle to progress is a habit of “buying what we want and begging for what we need.”You get the Freedom you fight for and get the Oppression you deserve.
  • tommyrusty7tommyrusty7 Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭✭

    We shall see what Judge decides to do this winter. I know living in NY is expensive but all this nonsense with inflated salaries has to stop somewhere .

  • Alfonz24Alfonz24 Posts: 3,114 ✭✭✭✭✭

    #LetsGoSwitzerlandThe Man Who Does Not Read Has No Advantage Over the Man Who Cannot Read. The biggest obstacle to progress is a habit of “buying what we want and begging for what we need.”You get the Freedom you fight for and get the Oppression you deserve.
  • tommyrusty7tommyrusty7 Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭✭

    They don't have to show them the money unless they want to. He will be free to make a decision if he wants to accept what they offer him or go somewhere else.

  • TabeTabe Posts: 6,183 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Freeman did the Braves a favor by not signing. Olson is four years younger, cost less, and is signed for longer. And Freeman being gone is a nice bonus for Acuna, who hates him.

  • tommyrusty7tommyrusty7 Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭✭

    That is what these owners have to do to stop these massive contracts. There are a lot of young players out there that can fill those spots.

  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,917 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Tabe said:
    Freeman did the Braves a favor by not signing. Olson is four years younger, cost less, and is signed for longer. And Freeman being gone is a nice bonus for Acuna, who hates him.


  • tommyrusty7tommyrusty7 Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭✭

    I believe that is what the Red Sox intend to do also.They have a couple of young shortstops just raring to go right now.

  • marinermariner Posts: 2,603 ✭✭✭✭

    Think back to Mantle, Mays, Aaron, Clemente, Koufax.....they were paid what the owners wanted to pay and that was pretty much it. They were way underpaid as the owners made most all of the money. The players union changed all of the that and players get their share of the pie. Sometime on an individual deal, it does not always go well, but it is better that the players get their fair share rather than the owners getting ultra rich and the players getting screwed. Even now the owners do well even though they have to pay the players for larger contracts. Fans don't come to the games to see the owners.


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  • tommyrusty7tommyrusty7 Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭✭

    If the salaries keep going up the fans won't be coming to the ball games because the ticket prices will be too much. I can see the players getting enough money but the high end salaries demanded by these agents is ridiculous. It has to stop somewhere.

  • daltexdaltex Posts: 3,486 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @tommyrusty7 said:
    If the salaries keep going up the fans won't be coming to the ball games because the ticket prices will be too much. I can see the players getting enough money but the high end salaries demanded by these agents is ridiculous. It has to stop somewhere.

    There have always been fans who can afford to go to games and fans who can't. That's a red herring.

    Besides, you're avoiding my question above: if the boss is willing to pay a salary that some would consider obscene, who are you to say the worker shouldn't take it? Not just in baseball, but in whatever you (any of you) do for a living.

  • tommyrusty7tommyrusty7 Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭✭

    I guess if you have more money than you know what to do with then you do have the right to spend it any way you want to. I do feel that in the long run it will not be good for baseball,
    On another note the Red Sox will be bringing up the rookie Brian Bello to start Wednesday. I hope he has a good game to start his career as all but one of this years starters have been on the IL.

  • Alfonz24Alfonz24 Posts: 3,114 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @mariner said:
    Think back to Mantle, Mays, Aaron, Clemente, Koufax.....they were paid what the owners wanted to pay and that was pretty much it. They were way underpaid as the owners made most all of the money. The players union changed all of the that and players get their share of the pie. Sometime on an individual deal, it does not always go well, but it is better that the players get their fair share rather than the owners getting ultra rich and the players getting screwed. Even now the owners do well even though they have to pay the players for larger contracts. Fans don't come to the games to see the owners.

    Isn't this what is happening in golf? Suddenly the PGA finds $45M when the LIV series starting pulling away players.

    #LetsGoSwitzerlandThe Man Who Does Not Read Has No Advantage Over the Man Who Cannot Read. The biggest obstacle to progress is a habit of “buying what we want and begging for what we need.”You get the Freedom you fight for and get the Oppression you deserve.
  • lanemyer85lanemyer85 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭

    @MCMLVTopps said:

    @Alfonz24 said:
    Is it ego? Why do they want "TOP" dollar salaries when what they are being offered is still a big haul.

    Is it pressure from the MLBPA to get the most for other/ future players?

    _Let's look at the Braves vs the Dodgers offer... Braves 5/$140m, Dodgers 6/$162m. The difference is 1 year and $27m. So, yes, his ego and nose got bent out of shape over $27m. I have ZERO sympathy for him, _

    the difference was much less than that because of the tax rate in CA and his contract from LA is loaded with deferred money. So the difference is supposedly going to be less than $10m...potentially around $5-6 million. They really wanted that 6th year, it seems. While I think Freeman has a good chance to age well because he isn't some PED-fueled plodder like Pujols or allergic to exercise + bad back issues like Miguel Cabrera, it'll probably work out ok for the Braves with Olson, but this was on his agent just as much as it was on Freeman.

    Word is the agent gave Anthopoulos a 24 hour deadline to submit their best offer. Alex made the offer, the agency basically told him there were multiple greater offers on the table so the Braves were led to think the offers were approaching $200m (and a potential bidding war between the Dodgers and the Yanks) and that's when the Braves pivoted to Olson because they were led to believe their offer wasn't even close. When the report came out last week that Freeman fired said agency, it was leaked that Freeman was unaware the Braves were given the 24 hour deadline. The agent reportedly never told him about it. So it seems like Freeman was under the impression that the agency was just doing normal haggling for that 6th year, and was always under the impression that the Braves would be given the opportunity to match. Then the Braves thought they were out and the trade with Oakland went down. I don't recall if it was Rosenthal or one of those insiders reported that the Braves were floored when the contract with the Dodgers was then agreed to. They were expecting to hear about a $200m contract.

    But I think the average fan would be surprised how much influence (some) agents have with players and even some teams today. You may have seen/heard about the situation with (Cardinals ace) Jack Flaherty who has been battling shoulder injuries for a year and a half, but he and his agent went outside of the Cardinals medical team to get some other doctor's diagnosis, potentially even shopped around to find a doctor who would essentially clear him of his injury(s), reportedly went against "the plan" the Cardinals' medical team set up for his rehab, the Cardinals caved in and let him have his way, and of course he broke down again after about 7 innings. That kind of stuff is happening more and more.

  • lanemyer85lanemyer85 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭

    @MCMLVTopps said:

    @Alfonz24 said:
    Is it ego? Why do they want "TOP" dollar salaries when what they are being offered is still a big haul.

    Is it pressure from the MLBPA to get the most for other/ future players?

    _ Let's look at the Braves vs the Dodgers offer... Braves 5/$140m, Dodgers 6/$162m. The difference is 1 year and $27m. So, yes, his ego and nose got bent out of shape over $27m. I have ZERO sympathy for him _

    the difference was much less than that because of the tax rate in CA and his contract from LA is loaded with deferred money. So the difference is supposedly going to be less than $10m...potentially around $5-6 million. They really wanted that 6th year, it seems. While I think Freeman has a good chance to age well because he isn't some PED-fueled plodder like Pujols or allergic to exercise + bad back issues like Miguel Cabrera, it'll probably work out ok for the Braves with Olson, but this was on his agent just as much as it was on Freeman.

    Word is the agent gave Anthopoulos a 24 hour deadline to submit their best offer. Alex made the offer, the agency basically told him there were multiple greater offers on the table so the Braves were led to think the offers were approaching $200m (and a potential bidding war between the Dodgers and the Yanks) and that's when the Braves pivoted to Olson because they were led to believe their offer wasn't even close. When the report came out last week that Freeman fired said agency, it was leaked that Freeman was unaware the Braves were given the 24 hour deadline. The agent reportedly never told him about it. So it seems like Freeman was under the impression that the agency was just doing normal haggling for that 6th year, and was always under the impression that the Braves would be given the opportunity to match. Then the Braves thought they were out and the trade with Oakland went down. I don't recall if it was Rosenthal or one of those insiders reported that the Braves were floored when the contract with the Dodgers was then agreed to. They were expecting to hear about a $200m contract.

    But I think the average fan would be surprised how much influence (some) agents have with players and even some teams today. Everyone is likely aware of Boras essentially trying to force innings limits on his starting pitching clients, but you may have seen/heard about the situation with (Cardinals ace) Jack Flaherty who has been battling shoulder injuries for a year and a half, but he and his agent went outside of the Cardinals medical team to get some other doctor's diagnosis, potentially even shopped around to find a doctor who would essentially clear him of his injury(s), reportedly went against "the plan" the Cardinals' medical team set up for his rehab, the Cardinals caved in and let him and his agent have their way, and of course he broke down again after about 7 innings. It'll be sold that - wow, this guy is a gamer, just wants to get out there and help the team - of course, the real reason is likely that he's an ace caliber pitcher who isn't banking innings and thus is going to struggle to reach his max in arbitration. That kind of stuff is happening more and more.

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