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< or = $250 Coin Uno variant

SkyManSkyMan Posts: 9,493 ✭✭✭✭✭

One of the really nice things about coin collecting is that there are so many nice coins out there for not too much money.

Here are the rules for this variant of Coin Uno. ALL COINS must have cost you $250 or less. If you bought it raw and have had it graded you must INCLUDE the grading fee in that $250 IF you mention the grade, otherwise you can just post it without mentioning the grade. Coins that you bought years ago that have appreciated in value are STILL valid at the price you bought it at. If you inherited the coin the cost is considered $0 (plus see later playing rules).

Other than that, standard Coin Uno rules with a few tweaks. You must EITHER play a coin of the same type, or a coin of the same date, but of a different type. With regards to Types, I do not mean denomination, e.g. you may NOT play a Washington quarter on a Standing Liberty quarter.

For Type purposes ALL large cents will be considered one Type (e.g. you can bounce around among the different designs). In the same manner, ALL 1/2 cents will be considered one Type. Also, ALL commemoratives are considered one Type, this includes gold commemoratives (as long as they are $250 or less).

There are two "sets" of wildcards: gold coins and inherited coins. If you play either of these coins YOU can say what Type you want to be played NEXT (you can keep it on the Type you just played), however, given the price limitations on this game, you can NOT ask for any gold types. If your coin is an inherited coin, when you post it, please mention that it is inherited, so that you can get the wildcard.

If the thread goes dormant for one week or longer, I can post any Type coin to reboot the thread if I so wish.

To start it off I'm going to post a very basic Type that I bet most of us have at least one of...



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