Value of the coins of Great Britain and the German States

Where do you find values of the coins of Great Britain and the German States. I have accumulated a couple hundred of these coins and have no idea of their worth. All are raw and would grade between F and Unc.
If they're lower value items (thinking under $100), then you should be able to find sold records for them on ebay. That will be more accurate than any catalog.
IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me
Find the coin on Numista and look at the values at the bottom of the page. These will almost certainly be too low, but give an idea of scarcity and value.
Numismaster, the site formerly managed by Krause publications and using the price data from the Krause catalogues, is now run by Active Interest Media, owners of Numismatic News and several other coin publications. I don't think their price guide would have been updated since the Krause catalogues went extinct.
The other slabbing company across the street also has a world coin price guide, which was formerly linked to the Numismaster guide. It's probably out of date as well, though does have a few updated prices for their own slabs, where known.
"Book values" for coins, especially any coin that catalogues over $100, have basically gone out the window since COVID. People are paying crazy moon money for coins that by all rights should still be cheap and common.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.