I can't believe the mistake I made.

So I have a famous distant relative that was a Viceroy of New Granada. War hero. Has his own coat of arms and the like. Royal commission. I thought maybe he had a coin.
I saw this and got excited.
That's Maria Teresa of Austria. I didn't even get the gender right lol. As if a Google lens search would do it.
Nobles are great and all that but royals get coins not the nobility. Above their pay grade as they say.
Plus we don't do either in the USA. Then Harry comes and we do lol.
King Felipe VI of Spain is the last Bourbon King too. I should get a Felipe coin. I'll look for those too. They are Eurozone so we have this then.
"Nobles" sometimes got to make their own coins; it depends on the time period, and on which part of Europe they were from. Germany? Sure, pretty much every noble with the rank of Count or above got to make their own coins. Spain? Not so much, sorry.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
@sapyx My real point is people tend to front and inflate things on the fly in their own mind as if this reflects on them in some positive way. It doesn't. I'm a Dale Carnegie disciple. Your guest should be given as much time and attention as you can offer. Openly admit your own inequities. The minute you make it about you, you've already lost any opportunities to grow yourself.
In just a few days I've learned so much.
Sebastián de Eslava.
@harasha I messaged you.
Received and responded, both here and a Like!