Strange cubian coin

Hi everybody!
I living in the Russian, and our country selling very strange cuban coin. I think it is a fake.
Can you inform me if Cuba minted these coins and is it known in other countries?
ok, I am going to say it: shoo troll!
Coinsof1984@martinb6830 on twitter
I am not a trool.
It's just that on one of the Russian forums there is a serious dispute about this coin. So I want to ask collectors from other countries if they have seen information about this coin.
I would suspect that it is some sort of non-circulating legal tender, such as found in KP Unusual World Coins.
I'd reckon unofficial.
Cuba did issue a coin with very similar design and the same portrait of Lenin, on a commemorative peso in 1977, for the 60th anniversary of the October Revolution. But this coin looks very crudely rendered by comparison both with the 1977 coin and with other modern Cuban coins.
Issuing a coin commemorating the centenary of the founding of an empire that no longer exists, and of which Cuba was never formally a part of, would be unusual.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
Thank you.