Raiders In Lockdown

in Sports Talk
My secret inside source dropped by for the barbeque on Memorial Day, coming home from a week in Las Vegas. Of course the conversation was all about Football.......The Raiders in particular. Interesting stuff.......I hesitated at the time about posting what he told me........Any thoughts about what it might be????............I'll get back to you later.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't like Mark Davis, and his ridiculous haircut. He looks like Uncle Fester in a wig!
to borrow a joke from fred sanford I bet when it rains a puddle of water forms on the tip of his head

Raiders in lockdown? Well, assuming it's not covid, is it Kap?
No.....The organization doesn't want anymore of this.....Bad Public Relations

I know the NFL was going to investigate Davis after firing Ventrelle for bringing up accusations of hostile work environments from several female workers and Davis apparently just ignored it. Ventrellle then went to the NFL with the allegations and was fired. That was about a month ago now and nothing more has really been said on the topic. Imagine between that and Gruden's investigation was why they reportedly brought Kaep in to try out. Little dog and pony show to just be able to say hey we looked into him we are cool and hip. But don't leave us in suspense too long!
The Gruden drama is not even close to being over with, he isn’t going away and will absolutely blow the lid off of what I bet will be damning info on a LOT of NFL people.
I’m so looking forward to it!
Hmmm, Derek Carr has a new cologne, it captures the aroma of Raiders football.