Times are Tough when Dave & Adams Counters your Low Ball Offer with a Reasonable Counter!
What with inflation and everything else happening in this world, my Sales on MySlabs are non existent in the last month, I tried one last time with E-Bay recently with 41 auctions, I sold One! COMC Sales are so slow........ So I Was bored this morning and looking at some Unopened Boxes which were already priced fairly well at DAworld and found one I was mildly interested in. They are asking $275, I offered $200, more as a joke, figuring it would be Auto Declined, just to see what their bottom line is! A year ago this same box was at $400-$450. They countered within minutes at $250 and I am afraid if I counter counter at $225, they'll accept! Now I don't want the Box as I found two others to buy at also Low prices. Is it just me or is Wax and especially BBCE Wax plummeting recently. Not Premium over a Grand stuff, but $50-$900 Boxes?
I'm guessing your listings are BIN, or do you have a high first bid price?
That’s a good point Rufuss, if you are willing to just set up $1 let it ride auctions your stuff will obviously sell. Back when I used to actually sell this worked out pretty well for me. I learned this approach from watching Dugout Wax achieve these crazy prices. If I ever do go back to selling this is the approach I would use for the vast majority of the boxes I own and would sell. Which fall right in that range the OP highlighted.
~whats this world coming to? Made an offer recently 30% below ask that was accepted so quickly I had to think twice "what am I missing"? ... I thought.