I went to a fight and a fight broke out

in Sports Talk
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I watched some videos. Interesting, I guess. They stop the fight when a helmet comes off. So they need to try to do something about that, because it kills the action.
I have only been to two ice hockey games (matches?) in my whole life. I was invited to both of them. After the first one I had no intention of ever going to another one because of the stupid fighting among the players was so ridiculous and it was like professional wrestling.....like the product was so bad that it had to be juiced-up with fake fights. The second one I went to was the same. I found it all to be totally lame.....Except,.... At the second game I went to there was one interesting thing about it all. A young woman sitting a few rows over would flash he assets every time the action came our way. She did it the whole game and was never removed....I figured she was a paid entertainer just there to boost fan enthusiasm because hockey sucks. Hockey is for the birds......

What's more boring?.....hockey or soccer?...🤔