Red Sox beginning to spark, 5Ws

in Sports Talk
Today...bottom of 10th, tied 4-4, 2 outs, 2 strikes. Grand Slam, win 8-4. They sweep the Ms, Eovaldi gets 11Ks.
Nice to see the team waking up...nothing like a slam-off to get the juices flowing. Now leaving the cellar, with Toronto next to pass...hopefully. LONG way to go, but they're playing well.
Hopefully Story can be worth his salt
Story's had a pretty spectacular week.
I wonder if Bogearts had words with Verdugo in the dugout over the collision? Hear anything local? Bogearts didn't look too happy with him as they kinda caught their breath.
Yankees lost their 1st game today and are 0-0 in the 7th inning of the nightcap.
They lost the 2nd game too. The Rays and Jays lost too.
I didn’t see it or read about it, hopefully not a big deal. Teammates not getting along can divide the clubhouse
Yankees lose again to the Orioles tonight.