KM=Standard Catalog of World Coins, FM=?

KM=Standard Catalog of World Coins or Unusual world coins, Krause Publications, here just listed by the X#
What is FM?
KM=Standard Catalog of World Coins or Unusual world coins, Krause Publications, here just listed by the X#
What is FM?
I am NOT an expert on these items. Notwithstanding, here is what I found ...
The second coin appears to be a fantasy piece from G. Hearn. It is a KM-X2.
Heritage Auctions Reference
PCGS Auction Record (SEP-2017)
Per morganthebrave's digital album, the "FM" code likely comes from the reference "Portraits of a Prince" by Giordano.
Link (see page #2)
Sorry, I never thanked you. That was indeed the source of the FM codes. Appreciate it