Why does everyone else make so much less than a quarterback?

in Sports Talk
Of course, the one that sticks out the most is Aaron Rodgers.
Because it makes good business sense..... NFL football has evolved into a quarterback centered sport. In 99% of cases the drop off between the talent and performance results of the starting quarterback and his backup is HUGE! Starter goes down,....season over. That's just the way it is. There are only 32 NFL starting quarterbacks. Those guys are as rare as hens' teeth. For the franchise, they are worth every penny they make..........Carolina Panthers excluded.

Did @dallasactuary make you start this thread?
No sir, I'm just a little wound up, I've got to get my mind off of pickleball!
pro athletes are over paid. Even in the sense of the entire economy they work within. I know many will disagree. But NFL QBs are paid more than their fellow payers because of the importance they hold. That is also why they are often overpaid and overvalued.
Well, one good thing, Aaron Rodgers has a newly designed helmet, so he can store some of his money inside of it with him.
Stop! Please stop!.....O.K., don't stop. I just showed this latest ridiculously idiotic contribution of yours to The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant. She smiled. She likes it.......Carry On, Dragon Master.
Because the QB is the most important position on the roster.
Plain and simple
You got that right, Perky!.......Hey, I haven't mentioned anything about my "Secret Inside Source" in quite a while. But The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant threw a fabuloso BBQ yesterday...... and he was here......This subject about QB contracts came up! Among a lot of other football topics......What else is there?.......AND......A guy who knows all about NFL quarterback contracts was here too....an old friend......GREAT STORY!!!.......I'm going to post it in this thread....... Stay tuned......BUT.......The most other topics talked about?.......1) The Rams/Bills opener is a dream come true.....2) Josh Allen is the BEST. I agree!! But he needs to stop running so much.......AND.......3) The Rams DID NOT! want to play the Packers in the playoffs!!!!!!!!........ I knew that.......and the strategy worked out perfectly........... Bottom line?......McVay finally pulled one over on Shanahan!!!!! Oh, Baby!
Hey, Football is nice,........but this is the most Important thing. THE CHILDREN!

Don't Forget it Boys.....Life is Short....Treasure What You Have.
Aaron Rodgers does stick out, mostly for being ridiculously overpaid. But league-wide, with mostly sane teams balancing out the few insane ones, teams pay their QBs about 9% of their total payroll. Some really smart person on this board pegged a QBs share of the credit for a team's success at about 9% several years ago. Whoever that guy was, y'all should listen to him; he knows how football works.
And one way to spot an insane team is that they pay their QB more than they pay their offensive line. There has never been a team in history, and there never will be, where the five guys on the OL don't deserve more credit (cumulatively) for a team's success than the single QB. It you understand how football works, you don't need to have that explained to you, so my apologies to those of you saying "duh". My sympathies to those who are reading a football thread but don't understand how football works.
But you can interchange and fill in the OL and still make it work for you, all teams do that especially when there are injuries.
Try doing that at the QB position and you can let me know how that works out for you.
I like your posts and definitely believe you are an intelligent person but you sound absolutely not intelligent when you keep throwing out that stupid “ don’t understand how football works” thing, I know you probably can’t help it but give it a try because your the one who doesn’t understand the overall big picture on why the QB is the most important piece.
There are are far less options at QB than lineman out there, I mean every year the very first thing the NFL scouts, analysts, coaches and owners looks at in any draft is how many QB prospects there are.
So in your way of thinking none of those people know how football works?
You mean like subbing in Earl Morrall for Bob Griese? Or Mike Kruczek for Terry Bradshaw? Or putting Doug Williams in at QB, in the playoffs no less? Or the poor Giants who had to play Jeff Hostettler at QB?
No, the examples are legion of backup QBs stepping in and doing just as well as the QB they replaced, just as they are of backup linemen getting steamrolled and costing their team a win. KC just tried to "interchange" some of their OL in a Super Bowl and they were dead on arrival; they'd have struggled to beat the Jets with the team they put on the field. Sure, it's probably easier to interchange one lineman than it is to interchange one QB, but that's not what I said. A team that interchanges its QB is in an infinitely stronger position than a team that has to interchange all five of its OL. It takes an incomprehensible kind of stupid to pay the QB more than the entire offensive line.
There has never been a team where the QB is more responsible for winning games than the OL. Never. It hasn't ever happened, because it can't happen. It's just the nature of football. Since I know you understand that, my "how football works" comments aren't directed at you. But anyone who has ever given more credit to a QB than an entire offensive line? Those people? They don't understand how football works.
Paying the QB more than the entire OL is a fairly valid point that I won’t disagree with entirely but that is different than saying a single OL or everyone on the OL getting paid more than the QB which is what I thought you were suggesting.
It would have to be one hell of a lineman to justifiably make more than a good QB, although lots of OL are worth more than bad QBs. But, hypothetically, if you had an OL consisting of nothing but players who really were worth more than a good QB, you could play Uncle Rico at QB and do just fine. No team has ever had such a line, but the mid-70's Cardinals and the mid-90's Cowboys came close. Jim Hart was a putrid QB by the mid-70's, but that team still made the playoffs. Troy Aikman was about an average QB, and that team won Super Bowls. Larry Allen, at least, deserved to make more money than Aikman. All the Cardinals linemen deserved to make more than Hart, but he wasn't close to an average QB.
And note I'm talking about, at best, "good" QBs here; I don't think there's ever been a lineman worth more than a great QB.
Ok you have made your point much clearer to me and we are on the same page.
Denver had a pretty good OL, remember Portis, Gary, and Anderson, Droughns, Bell all had consecutive great years behind that line. Griese sucked though