My CNG120 newp

I believe that this is a sentiment shared by many of us, but I resolved that I'd rather get the coin I want for a little more than I want to pay than to lose that coin for a little less. And while I won this coin for less than my max, it was still more than I had reasonably hoped. But in the end I feel lucky to have won this.
ANGLO-SAXON, Secondary Sceattas. Circa 710/5-725/35. AR Sceatt (12mm, 1.14 g, 8h). Series U, type 23b. Mint in the lower Thames region. Female figure standing facing, head left, in crescent-shaped boat, holding two crosses / Bird standing right, picking berries from vine-scroll below. EMC 2015.0134 (this coin); SCBI 69 (Abramson), 790 (same dies); Abramson 45-20; MEC 8 Series Ua; North 83; SCBC 816. Well struck. Toned. Near EF. Very rare and much finer than the Abramson specimen.
Found near Louth, Lincolnshire, 28 April 2015.
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
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Congrats @EVillageProwler keep it up! You are building one hell of a collection.
cool coin
Thanks. I’ll show them to you one at a time in January.
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at
Great looking 8th century coin!