Is there a link?

Hi All
I have a question, is there a link in the registry inventory that if I click on a coin in the inventory it will show the sets that the coin is linked to?
I have a lot of registry sets going and it would be nice to go to the inventory list and just click on the coins and it shows all the sets that the coin is in
@alaura22 , I am NOT aware of that function existing, but that would be nice if it did. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable can provide the answer we’d like to see?
By the way, when you signed off with “TIA”, since I am old, I thought you were signaling you were having a TIA. It was my grandson who explained to me that meant “Thanks in advance”. When my grandkids talk to me about Apps, I think they’re talking about appetizers, lol.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
Go to the Cert Verification site
Type in your cert # and then look at the bottom of the screen .... it will tell you if in is already in a registry but also will list other sets that it could assigned to
OMG ... My Mother was Right about Everything!
I wake up with a Good Attitude Every Day. Then … Idiots Happen!
Not exactly what I am looking for.
I would like to go to the inventory and be able to click on a coin and it would show me all the sets it's in
Plug in the cert number and tell me all the sets it's in, either way would work
Thanks or
My Indians
Danco Set