Is Wimbledon doing the right thing?

in Sports Talk
Wimbledon has banned Russians and Belarusian players from competing this year, do you think this is the right thing to do?
Of course not.
Absolutely NOT.
The Russian people have done nothing wrong,
No, but it makes them feel warm and fuzzy trying to do something that does not effect anything in reality.
I don't agree with their decision but maybe it was made to avoid unruly protests in and around the stadium during the event. If that's so, then I understand why and maybe it's the best way to proceed.
no, it was reactionary and the wrong decision.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Most likely.
I agree, it's wrong to ban them from competing, they shouldn't be punished for the sins of their government.
Why????......Why?????......I should have known better!....What was I thinking???......🙊
Is this a political opinion poll disguised as a sports discussion thread?
askin for a friend, again
Yes, I remember that, because of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, I think over 60 nations boycotted those Olympics.
I don't know what you're talking about.
for about the last 10 years sports has been infusing itself with politics.
Because those games were in Moscow CCCP.
This Wimbledon issue is different because the games are not in Russia / Belarus.
I'm outta' here!.......🏃
Call me Joe, I was too slow. Lol
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't implying anything nefarious or necessarily negative. While I know that politics has been negatively forced into everything, I also don't mind to talk about it. I was just messing around with DD.
I liked your tag when it was Brandon for a day or two, but the move to Switzerland was funny.
This is exactly why I stopped watching ESPN
This is slightly off topic, but I think it fits. You are spot-on, perk, about ESPN. I am cognizant of the spin, propaganda, and conflation that abounds within all media. But i still consume some. I pick and choose, if just to know what the people are being fed...
I totally disagree with this decision by Wimbledon. What does this accomplish? Does it contribute to world peace? Does it make the world a better place to ostracize some tennis players from a tennis tournament who have nothing to do with the doings of the governments of the countries in which they are from?
Whats even worse is un-vaxxed players not being allowed to play tournaments. The #1 player in the World Novak Djokovic is not allowed to play the U.S. Open this year.
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