Trial coin, 5 Mark 1970, Friedrich Hölderlin

5 Mark, 1970, commemorative coin about Friedrich Hölderlin. Unfortunately, this version was not adapted by the government. Therefore we can only get the trial coins.
The content above is from Helmut Caspar‘s article “ Das Saarland aus Silber”, but I don’t understand, how did Mr. Helmut Caspar know the information about the unadapted design? What’s the meaning of the code “7008”? Anyone know the answer? My friends.
I believe that an obverse/reverse pair of this trial appeared the recent peus sale (although in the catalog's photo that only the reverse is depicted).
Yes. According to the art style of German modern commemorative coin, I think this trials coin is genuine, but not 100% sure. Thus, I hope we can discuss here.
Fichte, Eichendorff, and Beethoven commemoratives all used similar styles and design structure. The eagle is reminiscent of the 2 marks. The placement of the G is consistent with its placement in other Karlsruhe commemoratives.
I'm not very familiar with these trials.
IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me
Thanks a lot