Baseball is getting rediculous to try to watch the games you want now.

in Sports Talk
It used to be all you needed was the MLB package but now you have apple and peacock along with those idiots on ESPN all getting into taking their share of the games away from the MLB package. This is the last year I will be buying their package. I refuse to have to buy all these different systems and will just watch something else. TV prices are getting ridiculous.
I only watch the Sox if they make the ALCS and then the World Series
That's pretty much where I am with baseball. I did add the MLB thing from T-Mobile when I was reminded by @countdouglas . But I can't say that I've gone out of my my way to watch any.
I don't even watch baseball at all anymore........ At one time baseball was my life. Played the game. Couldn't get enough. Young guys still come around here occasionally to show me their stuff, pitch to me, (I'm the catcher) and ask for pointers. Mostly college kids that somehow find me. I like that except I wake up with sore leg muscles for a week after. Best game on Earth! I don't think that anymore. Too many changes. Not the same game. I do still coach and go to little league games now. I like to watch the little guys play and help develop their skills......nothing better than working withh an "Eager Beaver" 9 year old pitcher. Tonight, the Hydrant families from Idaho, Utah, and here are off to watch the Angels play. Baseball Family! I'm staying home. Just don't enjoy the Big Leagues anymore. If fact, I don't like it at all. Tried to watch the last World Series. Couldn't take it. Don't recognize the game at all......Kinda sad.
They have made it impossible to go to a game with the high prices they charge anybody and now they are spreading the game around to all the different media outlets so anybody that wants to follow a team will have to sign up with all of them. This year I have the MLB package so I will watch what I want on there but will not renew it next year and find something else to do if I am still alive( (Im 82). They have got the last of my money!
Loved baseball all my young life but haven’t cared for it the last 30 years.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
You nailed it brother! That is a HUGE concern for knowledgeable and intelligent people in management positions in MLB. Here's why:.......Because ticket prices are so expensive, the game is no longer a "family" experience. The average Joe can no longer afford to take the wife and kids to a game.......result?....... A stadium filled with adults and NO KIDS!!!!.......meaning?...... No new fan base of youngsters coming along who grew up going to the games and developing a loyalty to the team. Who is going to be buying tickets 20 years from now?........It will not be adults who never went to a game when they were kids......the future of MLB at this point in time is very iffy. Some people know all of this.....but......$$$$$ talks in the here and now...... The future be damned.
P.S. Same thing for the NFL.....I go to every Ram home game. Done so forever. Long ago, Dad and Mom took their kids to the game. The place was filled with kids!.....Now......I'm amazed!...... I can, and do, look around at the section where I sit.......and I look at the crowd going in and coming out of the stadium. Except for the Little Hydrants, one in sight is under the age of twenty something..........Well, maybe if they lowered the legal drinking age to 7 years old and tyksters were buying $18 beers the league would think about the young kids........ until that happens...... Forget it.....
I don't know who is more greedy the players or the management but I remember going to Fenway park with my father and bleacher tickets were $1.00 each. I have no idea what they are now but I know they are a lot more than that. I am glad I had the experience os seeing some of the greats in my time like Jolting Joe and the splendid Splinter play.
This discussion had me thinking about the cheap bleacher seats. I didn't go much, and they weren't a buck, but they were affordable for sure. I was going in the 80s then into the 90s.
I was going in the late 40's and early 50's.
I have a ticket somewhere around here from a 1965 Dodger game. Bleacher seat....75¢. I think the seats were priced Adults $1.25 and children under twelve 75¢. I could be wrong but I also seem to remember that Sunday bleacher seats were all priced at 75¢. Field level seats, $4. First deck $3.50. Second deck $2.50. And upper deck $1.50? maybe $2. My Dad could only afford the $2.50 seats and that was stretching the budget. We would go to two games a year. My choice. I would try so hard to pick a game when Koufax was pitching. Sometimes I got lucky. Not often. I idolized that man. I know I'm prejudiced, but I think he's the best ever........when I was a kid, watching him pitch at Dodger Stadium was like being in Heaven. Great memories.

I understand. That's why I said it was more in my youth. But the point is that it was still affordable. It was still at a price point that made sense within the current economy. It felt like a fair price.