Is Hunting A Sport?

So,....I did a web search.... "Is hunting a sport?"...... results?......No hunting is not a sport...... In BOLD LETTERS!!!!!.......And why isn't hunting a sport????..... Because according to the official definition of what a sport is, Quote; Hunting is not a sport. By definition a sport requires competition. Skill and exertion is used in an attempt to out perform an opponent........ End quote. Well, doesn't it take skill and exertion in the attempt to outperform an opponent while hunting????? I certainly think so. What say you? I think the web site definition was written by a know -it -all lady vegetarian who wouldn't know a bazooka from a BB gun.....ridiculous!......... AND......I should add that I much prefer vegetables to meat. And, I love veggie burgers and veggie dogs! Yummy!!!!
It’s a sport****
It's only a sport if you don't eat your kill.
I am a HUGE gun guy, I don’t happen to hunt ever though, but I would say it’s more of a sport than not.
A word to the wise, stay away from squirrel territory, they'll fight back!
I don't know the answer. I've read arguments on both sides. A few years ago I tried squirrel hunting with my youngest son. We didn't kill anything. He wasn't very good at being quiet. Lol.
IMO it's only a sport if all players are on equal terms.
Man with a .30-06 vs an unarmed deer is food gathering event not a sport.
Now bare fisted man vs. lion or grizzly bear boxing is a sport.
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I really don't think hunting is a sport. Why?.....I've been a hunter since I was a young boy. Back then it was more a necessity, not a sport, because what I hunted, mostly quail, was food. It wasn't a game. And also ground squirrels. And rabbits. Shooting rabbits can hardly be called a sport. It's actually a sickening business. They are just helpless sitting targets. Anyway, hunting squirrels and rabbits was also out of necessity because if they were not eliminated, they would eat most all the oranges in the grove before harvest and all the vegetables in the garden. Hey, we had to eat too!.......and finally, in the last two weeks I have terminated 33 ground squirrels and 4 rattlesnakes using a grand total of 37 12 gauge shells. So,.....I'm 37-0 against my opponents. That's not a sport,.... it's a massacre. No, hunting is not a sport. It's just one of the unpleasant realities of life on the ranch.
P.S. But the upside is that my crow ,coyote, and turkey buzzard friends love me. They follow me around and do immediate clean up. Caw...Caw...Caw.....
@hydrant your OP says that you think it is. Now you don't. What changed your mind. Was it @doubledragon 's squirrel machine gunner?
Your joking but as in all good jokes there is an element of truth.....When I was a kid, I took a shot at a ground squirrel. I missed and the squirrel ran off and got tangled in some fence wire. Being a dumb kid, I felt sorry for the varmit and went over to help him out. My reward?.....That sucker bit my finger to the bone!......They do fight back!
Yesterday, while I was hunting squirrels, the idea came to me that there is a sporting aspect to it. Skill in shooting, out maneuvering the opponent, correct timing, etc. So, I got curious and looked on the Internet for what others think about it. Then I posted here. But,......later on in the evening, I got to thinking more about it.........I came to the conclusion that my first thoughts were wrong. In my situation at least. I'm wrong about a lot of things and maybe I'm wrong about this. Bottom line......Sports is something you should like to participate in.....for fun! .......I don't enjoy hunting. It's just a dirty job that needs to be done. Like changing the oil in the car.
I did bag one critter a couple of days ago that I was extremely happy about. The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant took pictures. As soon as she tells me how I can transfer the pictures over to here I'll share them...What a Monster!.......Here's one photo...

I wouldn’t mind hunting wild boars down south or a Grizzley, something that could kill you if it wanted.
An innocent deer just seems wrong unless you really want the meat
I agree 100%. Long ago I went deer hunting with friends. Once in Utah and once in the Eastern Sierra Nevada. I never pulled the trigger. It just seemed wrong. Like shooting rabbits. Ducks in a barrell. The meat was used. One of the guys mother made up the meat for deer steaks, etc. She gave me some. I threw it away. It made me sick just thinking about eating it. But, the same token, because the mountain lion populations in those parts of the country have been decimated by hunters and ranchers, the deer population is so large now that it is environmentally unsustainable and needs to be culled. Either way, I don't want to be part of it and I would never eat deer meat. It was their big bulging eyes. Innocent looking. And just standing there, easy targets. Too easy. I just couldn't pull the trigger.
I'll tell you what, I wouldn't want to live in Australia, it is home to the second most venomous snake in the world, the Eastern Brown snake, and these snakes constantly crawl up into people's yards and homes and bite unsuspecting families. They found ine hidden inside a truck engine one time. This snake is so lethal, if you get bitten and don't immediately get help, you're dead in under an hour. They have people in Australia that are in call 24/7 to respond to emergency calls to go catch these snakes and remove them from people's homes, here is a photo of one that got up inside a door at a home.
The Eastern Brown snake, the second most venomous snake in the world.
This is the Inland Taipan, the most venomous snake in the world, it lives in the Australian outback.
So is fishing really hunting?
Yes, Steve Irwin actually lived in Australia and he went to the outback and was licked on the face by an Inland Taipan, they also call it the fierce snake because of it's deadly venom.
Yea, he was a tough guy. And very entertaining. A real life dare devil. Until that fateful day. It only takes once. R.I.P.
Another highly venomous creature that lives in Australia is the Box Jellyfish, it lives in the oceans of Northern Australia and their tentacles are highly poisonous and many have died as a result of being stung by one of these.
One time I lifted the hood on my old beater truck that I use around here and there was a big rattlesnake curled up on the air filter housing. I took a shovel to push it off and it ended up crawling through a hole in the firewall.....into the cab, and it went under the seat.....Now What?......So, I took a gallon of bleach and poured it into the cab and left one door cracked open.....Smoke Him Out!.......about 15 minutes later it slithered out and I got it!.....But that's not the end of the story. I looked under the seat and it was obvious that that was the snakes home! Under my seat! For quite some time! Yikes! How many times did I drive around with a stow-away traveling companion? Sweet Baby Jesus!
It is if you're @joeykoins hunting for silver!! 😂 👍🏻 🤣
Disclaimer: I'm not a dealer, trader, grader, investor or professional numismatist. I'm just a hobbyist. (To protect me but mostly you! 🤣 )
You're very lucky to have not been bitten, I don't see how you do it, living around poisonous snakes, it would drive me insane!
There is a reason that I have abandoned the Coin Forum. ^^^^😂
I did get bit. October, 2020......Talk about a psychedelic experience! The only reason that I'm alive today is because the poison control team from San Diego drove 90 miles at 100 miles an hour and gave me SEVEN! doses of anti-venom! I love those guys. The doctors said they couldn't believe it. SEVEN DOSES!.....Two weeks in the Intensive Care Unit. Now,.......I have a passionate dislike of rattlesnakes that borders on severe paranoia. I see them everywhere. Even in my sleep. And,....I don't wait for them to find me........I go find them! Blasted at least 16 or more since then......I run them over with the car when I get a chance. Several just recently. I have had so many close calls over my life with those snakes I can't even begin to remember them all. Some very frightening. Now,......every morning and every night at dusk, I go looking for them. I'm on a mission!
Don't want to bore people. But close calls?!?! One time I was driving the tractor and I sensed something on my leg. I looked down and a BIG one was crawling up my leg and about to go inside my boot! GOD! I reached down and threw that sucker into outer space! I had no other choice..... Lesson?.......ALWAYS WEAR YOUR PANTS OVER YOUR BOOTS!.....DON'T TUCK YOUR PANTS INTO YOUR BOOTS! And, Dragon Master, you said it would drive you insane living around them? When you get bit by one, you do go insane. Literally! No joke. Just ask the doctor and two security guards at the hospital that I got into a fist fight with when I told them that I was leaving the emergency room! It was unreal. I'm lucky to be here and I cherish every day since then.
I believe a Manta Ray did steve in.
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Yes, that is true, Steve Irwin was swimming right over top of one and it stung him right through the chest.
Wow, be careful grasshopper, we need you here on the forum, and by all means, protect the Hydrantettes!
I'm sorry, I just looked it up and it was actually a stingray that killed Steve Irwin, he was swimming overtop of it and it pierced him right through the chest with it's barb, the pointy thing on the back of it.
Who's Steve?.......> @doubledragon said:
That is EXACTLY the reason why I hunt those snakes...... The Little Hydrantettes.

I will obey Dragon Master

That is hilarious! 😂😂😂😂
Since we're on the subject of hunting, if anyone does go bear hunting, they are beasts, they can weigh 1,400 pounds and have vicious teeth and claws.
I used to think bears were territorial, but stevek set me straight about that, they will defend their food source but are not territorial. There are those who are crazy enough to make friends with bears.
My hunting career got off to a bad start when I was a kid.
We pulled into one of our milo stubble fields and I saw a rooster pheasant hiding behind
a tumbleweed. I told my Dad I was going to blast it and he said no you're not, you're going to give it a
sporting chance and let it get airborne. So I did and I got off 3 shots in quick succession and the damn
thing just kept flying. Stupid shotgun.
Grizzlies make good pillows
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This is the only gun I want to get. Probably buy one within the next year.
Just a simple Henry 22 rifle with lever action. Have to shoot a varmit every once in a while,
usually a rabid skunk but I would like to just target practice a lot with this rifle.
I just like the classic western look of these rifles.
DoubleD that image of the bear and gorilla going at it has to be photoshopped.
I bought a Henry 22 lever action just like that one except without the silver plating last November. Living in California, it took months and endless hoops to jump thru to finally get it. It is an awesome gun. The most smooth action of ANY.gun I've ever handled. Like butter. Sight it in correctly and it's dead on. But,.....nothing will ever come close to this....Winchester model 94. 30/30. Best frickin ' gun ever made! You're half blind Granny could hit the bullseye with this baby!
Darin, don't delay, get one today! You want it for target practice? Perfect gun for that! Just sight it in right, take your time, and you won't believe it! Go slow......that's what it's all about! Forget the silver frills, that's just extra money spent for nothing.......good luck! GO SLOW......TAKE YOUR TIME! Don't burn ammo for nothing. Like they say in the shot one kill.🎯
It is, I found it on a Reddit discussion page about who would win in a fight, a male gorilla or a grizzly bear. The grizzly bear was favored to win by knockout!
Darin, I have the same rifle, minus the silver receiver. it is a fantastic and fun firearm. super fun to plink with and the kids love it!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Well Hydrant and Craig both have a Henry rifle, now I'm definitely getting one!
Two good recommendations is enough for me.
Now what do you guys think is the best mid level(price wise) sedan. I've been trying to save money for a new car
and I'm thinking I'll get a Toyota Camry, used to have a Corolla in my younger days and it was a good car.
Loved the gas mileage and a Camry is one step up comfort wise with basically the same gas mileage.
Toyota Avalon is a little too pricey for me. Do you guys have any opinions on the best cars out there?
I even recently sold most of my unopened collection to BBCE to raise money.. Met Phil from BBCE at a truck rental place
close to the Wichita airport and he even threw in an extra $200 for me coming to Wichita with my stuff.
He was renting a penske truck and heading to KC to meet another seller.
Nothing is more scary in nature than a Great White
as far as is hunting a sport? I honestly never gave it much thought.
growing up and living in central/northern Maine, it has always been a way of life. October was for Birds, November for deer/bear. we have always been meat hunters. but I suppose trophy hunting could be considered sport. that would involve much more preparation to have a chance to actually come with a trophy. lots and lots of pre season scouting.
old deer get to be old deer for a reason. they are not easy to hunt
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
it is very very difficult to beat the reliability of a Toyota. they just go and go and go. they do not have the most bells and whistles, and are not the fanciest car around, but boy are they reliable. I have quite a few friends that have had fantastic lick with toyota pickups. if you want more upscale options, get the high end toyota, Lexus!
my father worked as both a mechanic and in management at car dealerships for 40years. his opinion was that most modern cars are well built and reliable. He did however, always tell me to steer clear of Kia/Hyundai. they are owned by the same parent company and dad had seen tons of them roll through the shop. he said they had consistently bad corrosion problems and weak drive trains.
My sister in law has had two Hyundai Santa fe's. the first one needed a new motor after 5k miles. head gasket went, allowed coolent into the cylinders and caused an overheat and warped the block. they replaced with factory new motor under warranty and the same exact thing happened before 10k miles. they agreed to trade it back for a brand new santa fe. she has had nothing but problems with it. mostly electrical/computer issues.
we have a 13 altima that has only required oil changes, tires and breaks in 100k miles. i know of the cvt issues some have had with Nissan, but haven't experienced them ourselves. also have a 22 chrysler pacifica minivan. too early to tell with this one, only 3k miles on the clock so far.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I bought my son the golden boy Henry .22
great little gun for plinking.
1948-76 Topps FB Sets
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1948-1993 NY Yankee Team Sets
Yea, that's a good one for a kid. Henry makes quality stuff....Hey, good for you, Dad. Hope you and your boy enjoy the time together plinking.... Actually,...... I know you will and he will too and he will remember it forever. Father and son fun. Shooting guns. That was what my Dad, my Uncle, and I did. I loved it! Enjoy it now.......every minute every second....... They grow up so fast!
P.S. Just remember...... SAFETY FIRST. My Uncle was a shooting range instructor. USMC. I learned from the best. Put the kid thru the drill. EVERY TIME! Learn the drill! That's half the fun!
A Lexus would be nice but just a little too high end for my budget. Camry seems to be the best option for me.
My brother had a Camry and drove it for years, he told me one time it had been a great car for him and his family.
I had a Corolla years ago and I loved the gas mileage and it was very reliable. I think I sold it because I wanted
to buy a new pickup.
Nice post Craig thanks for all the information.