I'm burned out

in Sports Talk
My brain is fried, I have been posting here for a long time, if you go back through the archives you can see that I've done threads on just about everything possible and I'm just burned out. I am seriously going to take a break, someone is going to have to step up. As for me, I will pop in from time to time, but I'm in desperate need of some time off, my brain is fried egg.
It's not that I've been posting so long, I've only been a member for 3 years, but I just went at it so hard every day for those 3 years, that I've burned out.
I mean, just look at these photos of me and how much I've aged over the past 3 years.
Me in 2019.
Me today.
Double D, this place is not all that great during the NFL offseason, there just isn’t enough guys to get into it over Sox and Yankees anymore.
From my recollection we had Sox, Yankees, Phillies, Dodgers fans and that was really it, I’m a Sox fan as you know but I’m not emotionally involved anymore.
Once NFL comes back things will turn around, just pop in from time to time. No reason to shoulder the livelihood of the forum all by yourself, it will be here regardless.
I agree with you @perkdog . In fact, @doubledragon , I am hereby authorizing you to work both remotely and sparingly up to the time that NFL training camp starts. After that, your services will once again be required. However, in the meantime, we will try to find you some assistants to lift some of that heavy burden off of your back. How does that sound?
Thank you @perkdog and @thisistheshow, I hate seeing the place so slow and I feel responsible for it. I have made an effort over the past few years to make sure that we always have something to discuss, but the truth is, I'm just burned out. I've done so many threads, on so many things, that I'm just finding it difficult to come up with anything new and fresh that people want to talk about. Like I said, I will pop in and out, and thank you guys for the kind words.
And hey, when the NFL season starts up, I can do a thread about the evolution of Aaron Rodgers mustache!
Looking forward to it brother!!!!!
Thanks buddy! 🍻
Enjoy your break sir! You do an awesome job keeping things rolling here! I truly enjoy this place in large part due to your wonderful and sometimes thought provoking posts! See you back soon sir!
The draft is 20 minutes away. Time for
@doubledragon to dream of the next Josh Allen going to his Carolina Panthers.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Thank you for the kind words, I will drop by from time to time. I will be back in full swing when the NFL season gets here!
I already know how the season is going to go, there will be no savior at quarterback, only misery!
It is true that this has become an NFL heavy forum. Like Perk, I used to be heavily invested in the Sox, but that has waned over the years. there are really no players I love on the Sox anymore and no one I hate on the Yanks. I sure do miss the days of ARod and Tek.
I definitely perk up come NFL time though!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
This is Mr Rodgers paying you back. I hope you have learned an important lesson. Never mess with a Cal man again. He moves in mysterious ways.
No sir, Tom Brady is my friend, and he's back this season, Tom will protect me from Rodgers!