OT - Having a bad day story

Woman rescued from Washington national park toilet after falling in to get phone.
QUILCENE, Wash. — Authorities in Washington said firefighters had to rescue a California woman who fell into a toilet at a national park while trying to retrieve her cellphone.
The Brinnon Fire Department said on its Facebook page that on April 19 at 3 p.m., a woman in her 40s was using the restroom at Olympic National Forest when she dropped her cellphone into the toilet.
She first took apart the toilet seat and tried using dog leashes to try to get it out.
"Eventually, she took the leashes to help support herself, which failed, and she slid into and fell into the vault head first," the fire department said.
After trying for about 15 to 20 minutes to get herself out, she could grab her cell phone and call 911 for help.
Crews with Brinnon Fire and Quilcene Fire responded to the mountain top.
"The crews made a makeshift cribbing platform by passing them down to the patient," the Brinnon Fire Department said. "After making it tall enough for her to stand on, the crew pulled the victim to safety."
The department said the woman was uninjured and did not want to be transported.
She was washed off and "strongly encouraged to seek medical attention after being exposed to human waste, but she only wanted to leave," the department said.
The department said she thanked the first responders and continued her trip back to California.
"The patient was extremely fortunate not to be overcome by toxic gases or sustain injury," the department said.
I feel as though I can't fully grasp this story without knowing what this "toilet" looked like.....
I'm sorry I'm late, I was baking oatmeal raisin cookies when I heard your signal. I can answer your question, these toilets can go down pretty deep, here is a photo of some of the rescuers and a diagram of the setup of these toilets, as well as a photo of what the toilets look like, overall it's a very crappy situation to be in.
There’s no plumbing or running water, just a 10-15′ hole where waste can sit and degrade by itself. They’re pretty common in National Parks.
Thank you for your quick explanation @doubledragon
So...like an outhouse with a pseudo self-cleaning septic tank?
Edited because I misspelled your name.
Yes indeed, and can be very dangerous. And by the way, I really was baking oatmeal raisin cookies and they came out quite nicely!
Holee Crap seems appropriate
I love oatmeal raisin cookies.
Edited to add: but of course I would want mine all organic, or at least non-GMO #stevek #DDorganicfoodtriggerrant
Organic. I can see stevek's influence is still strongly felt around here. You must break stevek's grip, come over to our side and enjoy a real sugar tasty delight, you won't regret it!
The poker phrase "All In" takes on a new meaning.
All right guys, wipe the sh&t eaten grins off your faces.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.