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US Treasury Service Award Medals for its Employees

DrDarrylDrDarryl Posts: 618 ✭✭✭✭✭

Purchased on April 16, 2022. Research completed on April 16, 2022.

Of the 38 medals identified in this page, 30 were for the meritorious service (only 30 were issued for the fiscal year 1965)

The second highest US Treasury award.

Emanuel E. Minskoff identified on this page.

I pulled the 1965 Annual Report of the Director of the Mint.

The first paragraph under Summary of Functions, Workload, and Personnel states:
"...medals for other U.S. Government agencies..."

Medal was designed by John Ray Sinnock (8th Chief Engraver of the US Mint and designer of the Roosevelt dime, Franklin half dollar, and numerous other U.S. Mint items) and Adam Pietz (designer of the Iowa Centennial half dollar and numerous other U.S. Mint items). Both of their hallmarks can be seen on the obverse at the bottom left or right of the stairs.

A later version of this medal can be seen at https://money.org/collector/drdarryl/blog/department-of-treasury-meritorious-award


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