Is Galaxy missing?

in Sports Talk
He hasn't been around. I know that people come and go, but....He hasn't been here since the 12th. Just checking..
I'm sorry I'm late, I was making a turkey sandwich when I heard your signal. I've thought about this thing, and I think galaxy is probably taking a break, it's kind of slow during the NFL offseason, that's my theory.
Does anyone realize, stevek's last login was July 12, 2021 at 7:25 p.m. This July, it will have been one year since Mr. K last joined us for coffee and conversation. It's crazy how fast time flies. I guess he really meant it when he said he was never coming back, it's a shame.
Didn't Jordan Speith just win a golf tournament?
Galaxy may be on a two week bender, probably be back soon
depending on how much 'who hit John' he consumes.
Stevek lit a shuck for parts unknown.
And after these last two posts of mine
I will not be reading anymore Louis L Amour books I promise.
I remember when stevek left. I didn't understand it then, and I still don't understand it. The people who have posted here for a long time generally have pretty thick skin, but stevek took offense at something that wasn't the least bit offensive. There has to be more to the story than what got posted here, and unless stevek returns and tells us I guess we'll never know.
I must admit, I do miss stevek's posts, some of which were minute by minute posts of various football games. Maybe the teasing of his Eagles was too much.
I have thought from time to time of just not posting anymore myself, as many of the "old regulars" have disappeared, some via the red box syndrome. It is not always easy to have a "discussion" via keyboard, so much is interpreted in different ways by different people. I think I've been around since 2004, so, I've seen a few things.
My experience here is that oftentimes a legitimate OP woud put something up that was interesting, but after about 3-4 follow up posts, the thread goes off the rails onto a tangent that dilutes the post and then we're off to the races and it ends up nowhere near where the thread started.
I classic example of my recent post about Yankee fans tossing stuff at Guardian players. How quickly that flamed into a poster telling me I was in the wrong country, wherein he quickly posted flags of countries that supported what he "thought" was my position. My position was that those fans who threw whatever, should be identified and banned from Yankee stadium. Apparently the poster thinks its ok to toss beeer cans, batteries, or whatever to the opposing team's players. He then follows up with a pic of a Marine. We are now light years from the OP, and why the Marine pic is a mystery to me. One could interpret his post as challenging my patriotism. Well, FWIW, I served 10 years in the US Army and was a Captain when I left the service. More importantly was the year I spent in Vietnam in the 1st Infantry Division, in DiAn and Lai Khe. I was awarded The Bronze Star Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal and Army Commendation Medal for my service, not too mention getting my ass shot at from time to time. I chose not to respond to the poster, as that goes nowhere, but I think I've made my point.