Bahamas $2 from 1978 and 1989 Unc Coins in C-N?

I am trying to complete my Bahamas $2 Flamingo sets in PF and MS . I am missing two coins, namely the 1978 C-N MS and the 1989 C-N MS. I have been searching more than 18 years and I have NEVER seen a 1989 C-N $2 nor have I ever heard of one being sold, and I check ALL THE TIME. Not one! Krause said it was issued but I have serious doubt. Any input from anybody?
Also I am in need of a 1978 BU C-N $2, and am always a willing buyer if you have one. Let me know. Interested in hearing anybodys input on those 1989"s. Do they exist?
Hi Randy, once again. The 1978 BU C-N $2 is available in the 9 coin specimen sets of this date from the FM and is of (U) quality. There is one of these sets on ebay right now, but is IMO overpriced at 90 USD. They come up on occasion at the 50 USD range & have rarely seen them even a bit less....Mintage 767 sets according to records.
I also as in my other post think the 1989 Unc. $2 coins do NOT exist and have looked for some years...
Well, just Love coins, period.
7 Jaguars I agree. I have spoken to many people over the past 18 years about the 1989 issue in C-N and it is confirmed by mint records that in fact the issue was "ordered". However, the broad concensus is that it was never delivered. I think this is the case with a lot of the Franklin Mint issues of the period. The figures given to Krause is what was ordered and not what was actually struck and delivered. For example, the numbers on the 1980 $2 BU are totally wrong. 300 were ordered, but only 80 were actually delivered. 1979 is confirmed at 300 pieces delivered, which Krause has correctly stated.
Oh very good. Can you share with us the source of this information? Perhaps there are other bits in there & what about earlier Franklin Mint uncirculated coins such as the 1, 2, 5 and 10 dollar matte copper nickel coins of 1975-1977?
Well, just Love coins, period.
My source is a woman who used to work at the Royal Mint in London. I can also report that the Bahamas $1 in C-N exists and I can send a pic of it. Only one I have ever seen.I also have the 1992 in C-N
my comment above was in regard to the 1991 dollar which i own, and the 1992. not sure how to post a pic here but i can email it to you.
Hi Randy. I have the following BU copper nickel $1 conch coins:
1989, 1991, 1992, 1996, 2000.
I do NOT have an unc. 1998 conch in CuNi (if it exists). There was however a $1 proof in the 1998 proof set (scarce to rare set).
Well, just Love coins, period.
Hello again 7 Jags!!!!! I've found in my research that 1991 and 1992 $1 BU cop-nik conch dollars were actually struck and delivered with mintages of 200 for each year (half of what was ordered) and the 1989 was a mere 300 pieces delivered. Ive gotten these numbers from two sources now. including the BMA. I tend to believe its accurate as they are genuinely rare and scarcely seen. I still need the '96 and the 2000, but like yourself, I think the '98 is a fantasy! Have a great week!
Ah, good research. Do you know if the 89,91, 92 conch dollars mintage includes those in packaged sets & were any released besides in sets?
Glad someone besides me likes these!
Well, just Love coins, period.
My understanding is that they were set only issues. Would make sense since the published mintages on the sets are WAY off. ID LOVE TO GET ACCESS TO THE ROYAL MINTS DELIVERG ARCHIVE to see what was ordered versus what was delivered. But either way, these are truly dare coins.y.
Ah yes as there are some other countries they struck coins for and likely with very low mintages as well.
Well, just Love coins, period.