Old Green Holders-First Generation

I have just listed a few dozen merc dimes and buff nickels on Great Collections which were in the back of my safe for over 20 years. Bought mostly from Heritage many years ago. Take a look !
There is also an OGH PCGS box listed which they were stored in.
This would be better on the BST board.
take a look where?
The coins are listed at www.greatcollections.com…..search on OGH
This thread is spam. It belongs in the Buy, Sell, Trade forum.
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Got any links to your specific coins?
Choice Numismatics www.ChoiceCoin.com
CN eBay
All of my collection is in a safe deposit box!
Links please. There’s 14 pages of dimes on GC.
Why not just post the photos here on BST, right where you (I think are trying to sell them) and then they are easily seen by all? Is there a problem with posting photos?
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
The coins are being sold at GC not here. The op is just informing the forum community of the sale at GC, however as noted without any links there is no way for anyone to find his coins.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Well, this ain't going well...