Shameless plug for items selling on GreatCollections

Walkers ending next sunday 4/24
1916-D PCGS MS64 CAC toned
1936 PCGS MS65 CAC toned (looks very high end for a 65)
1926-D 25c PCGS MS64+ CAC toned
Toned buffalo date set ending 5/1/22 - 1913-1931 (sans 1915)
Be sure to look at trueviews - most photos aren't that flattering
1913 type 1 buffalo PCGS MS65 (toned)
1914 PCGS MS64
1916 PCGS MS64
@crazyhounddog photo
1918 PCGS MS65 CAC better date in this grade and especially toned, this one is not dark as the pics may indicate and looks better in hand - tough to capture the look of this one in photos -its awesome.
The set are consecutively numbered on GC, starting at 1151563 and running through 1150579.
Beautiful, original material. I'm chasing the amazing 26-D quarter.
Good luck, they are all wonderful!!!
Geeez. And hound dog the good ones. Those are some fine looking coins. Too bad I have to pay for a power service out in the middle of nowhere
I don’t think you need any luck with those
Me too!
Here's another pretty cool one

1928 buffalo PCGS MS63 CAC GOLD (pretty recent holder)
I thought the 63 grade was absolutely silly but if i cracked it out to send in again, knowing my luck it would have QC'd.
CHD photos
Good luck!
Sunshine Rare Coins
It would be shameful if you didn't plug such nice coins!
I knew it would happen.
1926 Pcgs 64
Very nice. Quite a large difference for some of the coins in the GC photos vs. yours - I'm thinking yours are most likely more dead on.
My Instagram picturesErik
My registry sets
The PCGS photos are an excellent representation of the coin in hand - no "squinters" or "just the right light".
GC did you no favor with their pictures then.
They do appear to be exceptionally nice coins.
Should get you a nice start on the development. I must admit I would
Like some stories on the new
Property. Are you going to do it all at once or
One step at a time?
We are doing the same thing in NE Oregon. I’m fact our to be power company is out of idaho
A bump for some nice coins
Walkers end Sunday! here are a couple going under the radar for now.

1939 Walker PCGS MS66+ sweet sunburst with some rainbow going on
1944-D PCGS MS64+ CAC