Attention: Those of you with T-Mobile/Sprint as your cellphone service provider

Once again, T-Mobile is offering their subscribers a free year-long subscription to MLB.TV. The sign-up starts today, and I believe you have until April 12. The best thing to do is just Google "T-Mobile MLB.TV 2022" for details.
I highly recommend it. It'll be great, as we follow along together, watching night after night as Mike Trout chokes all over himself in the pressure situations. The faces he makes after getting rung up on called third strikes is some of the best entertainment on TV. You can enjoy it all season long, for free. Again, Google for details. Blackout restrictions do apply.
thank you for this brother, just signed up
i'm determined to know more than 3 players before the season ends
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
i have tmobile and this is the last straw . Consumer cellular here I come
Show off
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
hundreds of current major leaguers and the only three i can name are oddibe mcdowell, pat listach and chet lemon
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I am a very long-term customer of T-Mobile and I will be making use of this offer. Thank you @countdougIas @countdouglas (have to get you both in there for posterity's sake, and because I can't differentiate between the two of you. Off topic, do you think you miss out on PMs due to this?)
And @galaxy27 , I am in the same boat.
What is this 'baseball' you speak of?
I guess it comes with the territory of getting older. Things that interested you 40 years ago sort of become easy to forget when you watch spoiled brats participate.
I'm conflicted, to be honest. I have a lot I could say about the economics of modern sports. However,for whatever reason, I don't typically do so in the threads here about that topic . The salaries and ensuing hilariousness of the athletes does give me quite a bit of pause. But I can't help but think that my lack of baseball interest/knowledge compared to my younger days has less to do with the salaries and more to do with my changing interests. Because admittedly I do love my NFL.
my brother watches baseball maybe i can give him my login and he can use this
I do the same - give my login to a friend and don't use it myself.
Thanks for the heads up, just signed up.
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
thought they were locked out
@thisistheshow Do I miss out on PMs because of the imposter ID? I had never considered it before now. It seems that those that want to contact me through the PMs have been able to do so, and I have had many positive interactions/conversations. I guess I'll never know for sure, though. 🤷
T-Mobile advertises this heavily year after year, and yet inevitably, I'll have people I know tell me long after the offer sign-up period had expired that somehow they had no idea that this was available to them. I just wanted to give everyone that may be interested a heads up, and am glad that a few of you are taking advantage. If you've never had MLB.TV before, and full access to all of the features of the MLB AT BAT app that is included with it, you are in for a treat. Even at full subscription price, I think it's a tremendous season long value. The fact that it is FREE makes it a no-brainer. Enjoy!
Only a few more days to get signed up, if you haven't already. You don't want to miss any more of the Mike Trout Specials! You know, the at bats where he just stands there during every pitch, watching them ALL go by, then turns back to the dugout for that long slow walk with one of those patented looks on his face after getting rung up. He's already back in midseason form.

If you haven't signed up, you don't know what you're missing!
Countdouglas, enjoy Trouts' season while you can.
Its already been one game and he isn't out for the season yet so he's playing on borrowed time.
Well the great thing about MLB.TV is that all of the games are archived upon completion. So no matter how quickly his season ends, we'll always have his called third strikes saved for posterity. You can rewatch any game you choose, even picking which of the 2 team's TV broadcast that you want to hear. Same with the radio calls, you can choose either team's announcers, even Spanish language broadcasts, if that's your thing.
Friday night's Angels radio call was a thing of beauty. While all the basement boys may deny it, those guys know Trout's refusal to swing is a problem. Mike's already in midseason form on that, but his goofy face game isn't quite yet on point. I guess practicing in the mirror all off-season only gets you so far. It's going to take multiple reps in game conditions to build the muscle memory required for the really epic faces. See how ordinary his face looks after getting rung up on Opening Day.

It's pretty frustrating to see when you know he's got greatness inside of him like this.
If you haven't signed up yet for your free MLB.TV account, you still have 2 days to do so! Don't miss out!
What's really hilarious about Friday night's game is that Trout got rung up on a called third strike, and then should have been rung up again in the next at bat with another called 3rd strike, but the ump had mercy and called it a ball. Later in that at bat, Trout proceeded to pop up weakly to center. Then the following at bat, Trout went down swinging for his second strikeout of the game. Maddon then replaced Trout with Jo Adell, who then struck out twice on the night himself. Might as well have left the god of W.A.R. in the game. Trout could have done what Adell did and at least given us all some more entertainment on the night. 😆
I was having some trouble earlier but I got it working. 🤣🤣
Why do you act like pitching on the fringes of the strike zone is some revelation you came upon that works to increase your chances to get good hitters out?? You are just now realizing this? If a pitcher can live in those spots they will do great against everyone. Unfortunately for them, they do have to come into the strike zone at some point, or even in the meatier part of the strike zone.
You do realize that overall that pitchers WILL get hitters out more often then hitters will get a hit right??
So if the Royals had some secret, then why didn't the Royals pitch Trout like that in the regular season the next several years then??? Maybe they would have made more post seasons??
I also want to add that your Mike Trout PER VOLUME VS Dave Kingman stat that is the most disingenuous measurement I have ever seen as it includes the shortened covid season for Trout and an injured season. Forget about the fact that it ignores so many important factors when measuring a hitter....but lets use that same method for your hero:
George Brett by volume from age 28-31. Runs scored 265. HR 65. RBI 287.
Dave Kingman by volume from age 28-31. Runs Scored 240. HR 120. RBI 329.
By YOUR measurement, Kingman was more productive than Brett in those years. By any good measurement, Kingman was not even close to Brett.
As for the post season, I asked you this last year...when the post season starts, since you claim you know who can 'handle the pressure' or not, I want you to tell me BEFOREHAND who is going to excel above their abilities in those short series and who is going to fail below. You may have picked Corey Seager last post season to excel after he was coming off the heels of an amazing World Series MVP performance....and you would have been wrong.
Also, explain the difference when a hitter goes 4 for 25 in July and then that same hitter goes 4 for 25 in October?
Why is it just a slump in July but choking in October?
If a hitter is sooo good in the post season and has some magical ability to rise to the occasion and hits .400, then why doesn't he hit .400 all regular season and get to the World Series almost every year instead of 'choosing' to only bat .285 in the regular season and not even make the playoffs??
Finally, if George Brett was so clutch in the post season then why did he make so many errors in the post season??
Also, why didn't Brett 'rise to the occasion' and slug .650 every year and win their division every year??
Was he dumb and not realize that rising to the occasion in the regular season meant MORE post season games??
Was he a psychic where he knew he could 'hold back' in the regular season because he KNEW his team would make it to the post season and THEN he could start playing for real?
Or was he just lazy in the regular season and chose to not play at his best and just saved it for the post season (except for fielding of course because he made a lot of errors in the playoffs).
Trout leading the league in SLG %, OPS and OPS+ while hitting .337 with an OBP of .457. He must really suck.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Well I guess that shut him up or he's searching for more stats to make mike look bad. I wonder what he hit in the post season!!
C'mon, he's not leading in OPS and OPS+ anymore - he's trailing teammate Taylor Ward in both (barely)
But he's leading in runs scored. I'm not sure I care how much Trout strikes out if he puts up an OPS+ of 250 like he's currently doing.
Trout has made more outs than he has hits so that means he is awful. He is suppose to hit every pitch that enters the strike zone.
Speaking of runs scored, one of the oddest things among baseball fans is the stratospheric praise for an RBI and then treating a run scored like it is an afterthought.
You need to pay attention to when Trouty compiles his stats. He does most of his damage in blowouts. When they need the OPS god to get on base, he usually stands there and takes a called third strike. When Trouty was out for that stretch after getting hit in the hand, I believe the Angels won every game. When Ohtani and Rendon both missed a game, Trouty struck out 4 times that game. Pressure gets to him.
Try again:
.417 in late & close
.217 when tied
.316 within 1 R
.343 within 2 R
.342 within 3 R
Would that be the same pressure that made George Brett allergic to fielding ground balls cleanly in the playoffs? It cost their pitching staff several unearned runs and more trips to the World Series.
In reality, Mike Trout's Win Probability Added already takes into account those FEW examples you cite, and the thousand others that you ignore. In the end, he sits at 45.6 WPA while leading the league FIVE times in the measure that you are trying to capture.
WPA IS indeed the measure that you are trying to capture, except you only use a few examples but ignore the thousand examples that say the opposite of your premise.
So while you may be accurate in pointing out those negative instances that you witnessed, when those negative events are included into Trout's 'balance sheet' he is still the best hitter and player of his generation.
WPA is not perfect and there may be a 10%-15% knock in validity in that measurement, however, that is going to be better than the 99% knock in validity in the method you are using.
PS, I don't want to come off as someone knocking George Brett because he is absolutely amazing, but if I used the same methods you use to pick apart Trout, then it is easy to apply those to Brett to make him look much worse....kind of like your method that makes George Brett a lesser hitter than Dave Kingman when you compare their age 28-31 years....or that George Brett cost his team in the LCS with atrocious fielding making easy errors and allowing several unearned runs for his team.
See why I alerted everyone to the free sign-up period for MLB.TV? Hopefully, you took advantage. If not, well, you're missing quite the show...