How about posting a pic or two of something you've seen that was strange or weird

I'm sure we've all seen some strange things. This is a pic of a couple I was on a cruise with in New Zealand as we passed through the Milford Sound. Unfortunately, it was a very chilly and sprinkly rainy morning. This couple obviously wore their in cabin robes, which were terry cloth and like water sponges. They appear to be totally clueless to the weather, as they just walked around soaking up the rainfall.
Here you go, my weird uncle Joe, he is a hardcore VA Tech fan, he wears nothing but VA Tech clothes, he was born in VA Tech clothes!
That is a crazy amount of limes!
I took these this past October in my yard, I’ve never see this many concentrated vapor trails from planes like this, it’s like there was a crowded flight path over my house..
Seen in Auckland New wife pointing to the Dunkin' sign.
He's a character, loves to surf, his favorite TV show of all time is Alf!
My initials are on the sign!
Insert your Wal-Mart picture here.
If anyone has questions, I'll answer.......otherwise?....... You wouldn't believe it!
DD, you gotta read the header. something YOU'VE seen We could flood the thread with crazy stuff...I doubt you saw Terry B in person doing his goofy thing. C'mon man!
Another New Zealand gem...
A long horn sheep in Jasper Canada wanting to share our picnic. My wife was FREAKED. He was calm as were the others that strolled by. Apparently tourists = food and have been fed over the years.
My mistake, won't happen again, it's so > @MCMLVTopps said:
My mistake, I'll put my Terry Bradshaw nudes back in the vault. If anyone wants a peek, PM me!
Drove by this working the other day. An long abandoned historic house being prepped to be moved, I think it's amazing how they can do this. No small feat! In West Palm Beach, Florida.
Strangest thing I ever saw.
I may be obtuse, but what is strange here?
Post a picture was the objective.
No, obviously not. At least I thought it was obvious.
Just trying to have some fun with the oddities we've all witnessed in life. You know how threads tend to go off on a tangent, you've been around long enough to have witnessed dozens of those. Surely you have a pic somewhere.
I guess this isn't really strange or weird, but the odds to hit this are extremely high. Happened to me about 2 months ago. If you play Texas Holdem, or are familiar with the game, I'm sure you can appreciate this hand. What a river card!!!
I have absolutely no idea what the meaning of that picture is.....none....BUT!.......Your wife is one pretty lady! That part is obvious!..... Now, be a good boy and tell her I said will make her happy..... Guaranteed! 👸
The NFL season can't start soon enough...
Ya think?.......
What has this got to do with the OP??
In all seriousness, I hope this contribution doesn't violate the spirit of this thread. I'd like to share a short personal anecdote followed by a picture of something I absolutely didn't expect to see. Maybe not a strange thing, but very surprising.
On Monday March 21 of this year, my area of the world had some bad storms/tornadoes in the later evening. Very early evening, I decided to unload some things from my car that needed to go in the garage. I went out through the garage, opening the door, and as I did I noticed that someone had placed my daughter's large exercise ball resting inside of a wagon of sorts. The wagon can be used to move a heavy plant, for instance. This wagon with the ball was close to the garage opening. I was walking by it as I came in and out. On one of my trips, as I came around my car and into view of the garage door opening, I saw the wagon had tipped over. And there was no ball. I looked down the driveway. No ball. Went down to the street. The ball was rolling alongside the road, at a very quick pace. It was quite windy outside.
I tried to run after it but I could not catch it. I am not a great runner anymore. But either way, this thing was hauling butt. I never got closer than 15 ft. At some point it picked up speed and I lost sight of it. Cars were driving past it, but barely passing it as it was going so fast.
I walked back to the house and inside. Quickly told my wife and daughter what had happened. Then just as quickly realized that I shouldn't be there telling them. I should be chasing that ball. So I got in my car and drove around. Couldn't find it. Even looked in a creek near my house that one of my dogs (Martha Rip) had once been found in and rescued from. But no dice. Drove home dejected and saddened. My daughter loved that ball.
Got home. My youngest son, who is 13, told me we were going to go look for it on foot. He was feeling positive. I followed. I told him that on a windy day items will stop only at an obstacle, like trash at a chain link fence. So maybe it just went really far. I actually assumed someone had taken it. I didn't see any signs that it had caused an accident.
As we walked, the wind was getting even stronger. There would usually be more pedestrians. I was looking for someone, anyone, so I could say "excuse me sir/ma'am, have you seen a very large ball per chance?". We kept walking past that creek, past the recreation center. There is an outdoor pool, gated off, and we spotted a similar looking ball in the distance. We dismissed it almost immediately
as it was just a pool toy Then I saw something. To our right. In the opposite end of the same creek. What appeared to be our ball. And it was. Never thought I'd see it again.
Walking home, the wind was so fierce that I had to hug the ball to my chest to prevent it's escape from my grasp. My son suggested we try bouncing it. I believe he was joking. We got home. My wife said the ball smelled like swamp. But all was well.
Now that everyone was happy, we (they) all had a good laugh talking about what they saw on the front camera after we left. My wife and daughter watched my futile attempt to catch up to the ball and found it quite funny. They both even did a thisistheshow running immitation. Good times with the fam!!
Edited to add: in case anyone is wondering, the ball had travelled approximately one mile from our home to it's final destination in the creek. And that creek is named "Booger Creek". True story ...
The above is an approved post. Good story.
Well, the pic was about being a bit over 9,000 miles from home and didn't see a thing (including McD) that resembled "home". Then there was the Dunkin' D, we both laughed, had a coffee and enjoyed the moment.
So, I told my wife what you wrote, and said it was from Hydrant. Her response was, who? Then I said Hydrant, like fire hydrant, the response was "oh, ok". Sorry for the disappointing response, but your Brad Pitt didn't quite shine through.
Tks for the compliment, she's put up with me for 44 years, definitely a keeper, my best friend to boot.
fire hydrant just got dikembed
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Here's a pic of two Luna moths making more Luna moths. These things are almost 4 inches across and only live in their muture state for 7-10 days. Rarely seen, these two were on the side of my garage.
One of my 2 huskies who likes to hide. My wife gets mad.