I hate April Fool's Day

in Sports Talk
I've already been fooled about five times today, there are some crazy people out there!
Julian Edelman fooled everyone today when he posted this on social media.
It's my birthday.
Very funny grasshopper, but I'm not falling for that one!
Dear old mom went into labor during the feature film at the DeAnza Theater. Things happened fast. There was a doctor in the house. I exploded onto the scene in the lobby. Near the snack bar. It was April 1. It was in all the papers the next day. It was a Doris Day movie. To this day I love the smell of popcorn. And Doris Day movies.
Tarzan drank a root beer float everyday.
Just look at this, Krispy Kreme doughnuts is pulling pranks on people!
No, this is just cruel, Mustache Jerry Jones will make a note of this!
Check this video out, the best and worst trick plays in NFL history, an April fool's day special.
Holidays With the Hydrants
New Years

Valentine's Day

Fourth of July




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Very cool grasshopper, check out my family photo!
Oh, Lebron trying to be funny on April Fool's day, saying he's out for the rest of the season, not funny Lebron!
This is funny!
Good gravy man, look at James Harden's beard.
Ah yes, the crying Jordan meme, a classic on April Fool's Day.
Crying Jordan Hulk Hogan.
Crying Jordan Abraham Lincoln.
Crying Jordan Ventriloquist doll.
Crying Jordan Michael Jackson.
@doubledragon those "Crying Jordan's " are hilarious 😂
@Hydrant the " Fourth of July " picture brings back some funny memories 😄
Yes, they are quite hilarious, and they make awesome gifs!