Russell Wilson looks ready to go

in Sports Talk
Russell Wilson dropping dimes at night, and preparing Jerry Jeudy for war.
Russell Wilson dropping dimes at night, and preparing Jerry Jeudy for war.
The AFC West is going to be a highly competitive and fun division to watch next season, just look at this nasty division.
I just thought about something, I should not have started this thread, there are too many Russell Wilson and AFC West threads already, so I am closing this thread down, this thread never happened, move along and good day sir.
I certainly agree. I will not post on this thread. May it go away. Hopefully many posters will agree.
Oh, I see we have trespassers on the premises, am I going to have to install a surveillance camera?
I concur
Before we shut this down I need to just say that anyone can look good playing throw and catch, it’s a little different during real games.
Ok, that's it, you were all warned!
Not just throw and catch but selected throws from throw and catch. Literally every quarterback in the NFL, including the "bad" ones, could make the throws Russ put in that video.
After all, he is... Mr. Unlimited
Being 'Ready to Go' does not mean wins and success. We will see, I am thinkin' it is an uphill battle with the Chargers and the Chiefs being very strong................. Being the 3rd best qb in his division ain't gonna mean anything unless everything else in in place in Denver. Is it? I don't think so but that is why they play and we will find out.