Your favorite decade?

in Sports Talk
I don't know how old all of you are, but what is your favorite decade? If you could go back and pick one decade to live over again, which decade would you pick?
The 70,s!......Hot girls and roller skates......
And....walk around town booze!
Maybe the 80s, I remember watching Macgyver, dude could mess you up with a just a paperclip. And of course, all the the kids had to have one.
The 60s and 70s were magical times for music. Life was much more calm and enjoyable. If I could time warp, I'd hit the 70s.
I'd agree with the hot girls, but roller skates weren't of interest to me then...I was much more focused on other "activities".
I would pick the 70's and 80's. I was just a young buck then. Life seemed much more simple and I admittedly had an awesome childhood that I wouldn't trade for anything. The music was better and the world in general just seemed to be a better place.
I have absolutely no doubt it is the 60s. We were young people about to change the world. But as I got older I realized the world changed us. If you're familiar with the song " Signs" it says "Long haired freaky type people need not apply," Well I don't want those freaks on my crew. It says "Anyone caught trespassing will be shot on sight." Well, I wouldn't shoot but my security cameras would find them and the Law would be dispatched quickly. It says "You got to have a membership card to get inside." I do have a membership card and if you don't you need not show up. Yes the 60s. Music was never better. I could run and jump with the best of them. I could get any girl I pleased. One thing that has stayed with me since the 60s is the fact that I don't trust anyone under 30.
definitely the 90's for me. I would have a blast if I could go back.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
"If I only knew then what I know now."......hindsight is 20/20!😉
probs the 70s. such an innocuous time. the supposed worries and troubles that people experience today didn't seem to exist back then. you want some roadblocks? try living life without a cellular phone or the internet. seriously, how did we do it back then? all i know is that we did, and i was happier than a pig in slop as a kid. at no time do i remember thinking to myself, "i sure wish someone would hurry up and invent some pop tarts so my life can be easier."
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
the 70s for me. It was my teenage years.
I’d have to say the 90’s with the early 2000’s a very close second
That poster was EVERYWHERE!
For music, 70's everyday -
early and best AC/DC with Bon, Malc, and Angus
Led Zepp
Black Sabbath
Pink Floyd
best Rush
Wishbone Ash
Tangerine Dream
and Yes
etc. etc.
Albeit it many of these bands started in the late 60s, but their peaks we all in the 70s.
No Slayer yet tho'.