Next up. Do you recognize any of these five coins?

I have gone through all 86 non US coins I picked up at a local show on 3-18-2022. 81 out of 86 have been identified.
The five coins shown in the attached photos stump me. Any help would be appreciated.
211459 is Ottoman, but I don't know which ruler.
I don't know if this is the same coin, but 211643 could be an obverse of a coin from Wurttemberg. However, 211244 looks like the reverse of a coin from Anhalt Bernburg.
Yes something like this one, along with photo 211706, most being from 1758
The first then has to be this
And the last something like this, but not quite
The top coin looks like Anhalt Bernburg 1 pfennig
Oops, saw it was already identified
Thanks for the replies everyone.
You all are great.
I appreciate you helping me out as I attempt to catalogue the 86 coins I acquired.
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