Rare Guyanese Coins Came Today From Kyiv, Ukraine!!!!! 1978 Uncirculated 5 and 10 Dollar coins

I was most excited to get these two coins, pictures to follow. I ordered these two coins off the 'bay and only after submitting my payment noticed the seller was in the Ukraine (Kyiv). They were not cheap but rare enough, to say the least. So the order went out on 24 February the very day the Russians invaded!
I assumed that the order and money were lost and kicked myself, but then today at work came my package in with these two coins. Incidentally they look MUCH nicer in hand; they were in undamaged condition as well.
Anyway the coins themselves are Guyana 1978 FM (U) $5 and $10 uncirculated specimens - coins I have NEVER seen or heard of before even though listed in Krause. The proofs are known and available, but NOT the uncirculated. The quality of the coins is much better than other Guyana (U) uncirculated coins of this era and are possibly from FM packaged mint sets that rumored to exist.
Well, just Love coins, period.
Save that envelope! That's a cover serious stamp collectors will love.
And the reverse motto is very appropriate for what's happening over there.
Yes, exactly so. The coins prior to shipping had been knocked around just a bit and esp. the $10 had a bit of grunge on it so will later today post the two with a bit of restoration to the surfaces (the hairlines will remain of course).
Well, just Love coins, period.
Here are the conservation pictures, very hard to photograph the markedly prooflike surfaces:
Well, just Love coins, period.
Great stuff, it is a miracle that they still have a postal service functioning! Also, the Franklin Mint rare coins, yess!
Coinsof1984@martinb6830 on twitter
Yes, you hit that on the head. While it was quite an adventure unintended for me and the coin is evidently VERY rare, I think the fact that these two made it out whilst the country was and is getting pounded & that they even try to keep the postal service functioning is testimony to the fortitude of the Ukranians as a whole. May God bless them in their fight.
Well, just Love coins, period.