How do you ship?

With all the horror stories I've been seeing lately, if you have to ship coins, how is everyone shipping them?
What's the safest way other than hand delievery.
With all the horror stories I've been seeing lately, if you have to ship coins, how is everyone shipping them?
What's the safest way other than hand delievery.
Under $20- coin in flip/2x2 inside safe-t-mailer taped to invoice in #10 envelope.
Over $20- coin in flip/2x2 taped to invoice in bubble envelope.
If it's only a few hundred dollars or whatever, in a bubble mailer. If it's worth enough, box inside of a slightly larger box with tape around the outer box. USPS insurance isn't something I'd ever use, personally.
Early American Copper, Bust and Seated.
The argument for Express Mail is that it's in the system for a very short time. To meet insurance requirements I usually ship box in a box.
Registered Mail is safe. Often cheaper. But s-l-o-w.
I've never had a package go missing with either service.
My coins usually sell for less than $300. I generally ship insured, in a bubble mailer, with the coin in one of those protective cardboard holders. I’ve had one coin lost in 500+ transactions, and the P.O. refunded the insured amount.
For coins less then $50, I rarely even insure.
The shipment will be about 5K value if that helps in your opinions
My Indians
Danco Set
Personally, I'd mail that Registered.
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry progress
Lacking private insurance that would open up any other options, that would go registered or express. I privately insure so I’d have to price them out to see what the cheaper option is once insurance is factored in, but at that value, those are the only two I’d consider.
Registered mail for anything over $1K. It's cheaper and safer (chain of custody at USPS). Two types of registered; first class if under 16 ounces and priority if 16 ounces or more. If sending priority you can take advantage of the savings benefit with flat rate boxes. You will pay the priority fee based on the flat rate box chosen plus the registered fee based on the declared value and zone being mailed to. Registered mail, properly sealed (all seams of the package) with paper backed tape has to be presented at a USPS counter for acceptance and postage calculation. Entire package has to be able to accept postal stamped ink (no poly or plastic). Registered fee Includes insurance based on declared value. Registered includes a tracking number. If proof of signature is required (as with Ebay on higher values) best to tell the clerk you want electronic return receipt - acceptance signature will be viewable (PDF) on line and both ebay and paypal accept it as signed proof of delivery. Electronic return receipt is cheaper and requires no postal forms.
When I place a properly packaged registered Item on the USPS counter I just say "registered (or first class) with electronic return receipt." Do not pay extra for priority if your item is not in a priority box/envelope and weighs under 16 ounces. Registered priority and registered first-class both travel at the same snail pace. Expect 5-12 day delivery time with registered.
USPS pays full insurance on a bullion claim only if it is sent registered. Nowhere do they provide their definition of bullion.
Registered for sure at $5k.
If you are shipping bullion, the only way to insure it is with registered mail.
Collector, occasional seller
I ship in a normal bubble mailer with First Class, and I'll print the shipping label from the "pirate ship" website
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Under $30- coin in flip 2x2 safe-t-mailer in #10 envelope tapped ends.
Over $30 to $200- coin in flip 2x2 or slab in safe-t-mailer in bubble envelope first class.
Over $200 to $2000 - coin in bubble envelope mailed in tapped Priority Mail Box.
Over $2000 in tapped box Registered Mail.
The only issue with registered is that anyone at the receiving address [except for P O boxes] can sign for it. The delivery person is supposed to ask to see an ID from the person signing. If you want delivery only to the addressee then you must pay extra for restricted delivery. I would not use that feature unless I knew that the addressee would be there to sign. The more times it has to be taken back and re-delivered, the more likely to disappear. Seems like a way to compromise an otherwise secure service.
FWIW, one of my carriers said that every package with DC or requiring a signature has to be reconciled when they return from their route.
Ok, Registered it is
I just ran it through the post office calculater and from me to them is shows $35.20 with electonic tracking
It also said if I mail it by 3:00 p/m it will get there Friday
Anything else?
Thanks for the input
My Indians
Danco Set
I wouldn't believe the delivery time. Directly from the USPS website:
What is the estimated delivery time for Registered Mail and Registered Mail Restricted Delivery?
There is no estimated delivery time for Registered Mail, regardless of class.
Registered only. Do not, do not believe when they say it will get there!
Overnight express for things of value, never had a claim or loss issue with it.
Much of my determination is who I am shipping to.
A friend/colleague? Different from someone I don't know with minimal online feedback.
USPS REGISTERED is your friend on a $5,000 transaction.
A small miracle will have to occur for it to arrive Friday. You’re paying for security, not speed. If you need speed, you’ll want another option.
Just asking, why won't our host allow hand delivered of coins for grading?
Not going to our host, they are going to Auction
My Indians
Danco Set
They do, at major shows.
My Indians
Danco Set
Good decision in my opinion.
That estimated time is probably for priority and doesn't apply.
Be patient.
It'll likely sit in one spot for a few or several days, then move and sit a little more.
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry progress
Time is time, we only have so much of it. But safty is another story, if you don't do everything you can do to insure safe delievery of your precious items it is only you to blame.
My Indians
Danco Set
SNAIL MAIL -who else would you consider. Easy and dependable. Never gets lost or refused to be delivered. Best of all it is really friendly service and always helpful.
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