Strange Attraction to Toned Silver Commemoratives

I've collected various classic coins over the years, double eagles, eagles, peace dollars,etc., but never had any desire to buy a commemorative. At the long beach show this Norfolk caught my eye, which I purchased and shared in a previous post.
After appreciating the beauty of this coin i decided to find another and tada, i found this beauty.
While i prefer my peace Dollars blast white, these target toned commemoratives have caught my eye. This coin was purchased via Dee at DNA Silver Coins. She has an amzing collection of toned silver. Just wanted to share...enjoy!
Both of your pieces are top shelf!
thank you, i'm certainly enjoying them.
It’s a trap. Be careful.
so nice to see lovely toned classics. ive seen SO many scrubbed up and by SO, i mean TOO many.
Watch out this could become Habit forming. I mean a collecting Habit. those two are beautiful!
Very nice! I wasn't familiar with DNA Silver Coins, so I looked up the website ( and there's some real eye candy there!
I also have begun to appreciate some of the classic commemoratives - 1926 Oregon trial and the 1920 / 1921 Pilgrim are two of my favorites - with of course the Layfayette dollar as my all time fav.

The pilgrim has an incredible high relief reverse, which in my opinion has not been matched...!
originally from Texas and now living in Oregon, i am in agreement with you on the Oregon Trail commemorative, easily in my top 5 of all the silver commemoratives. The Pilgrim is also a winner. I must say maybe the ony commem i don't like is Bridgeport, PT Barnum, not the most attractive gentleman to adorn the obverse( a design on the big top would of been more appealing) and not crazy about the bird on the reverse. Hard to believe that was the best the mint could do.
I agree, any recommendations for compulsive collectors anonymous
That reverse is classic art deco which was very popular in that era. I actually like the coin design.