1971-D Ike Friendly eagle submission please help!

Edit: Awesome group you all have here thanks for all the help! In the replies there is a link to a few images of the 1971-D FEV DDO if anyone wanted to try to post a grade guesstimate.
I’ve looked in a lot of places and couldn’t find the answer so I came here. I’m just not understanding how to submit an1971-D Eisenhower Friendly eagle variation and get that on the label. I tried doing an online submission and no option comes up to select that variation and then I tried variety attribution but it’s not on the list, so confused. I’ve submitted them raw a few times with a note that they were FEV but it wasn’t put on the label and I know they are FEV I’ve bought and sold a lot of them. I also have a 1971-D FEV with a DDO error and wondered how to send that but I can’t even get past the basic of a normal FEV lol please help!
go to the pcgs pop page, look up 71-d for ikes, press the + sign and look at the coin number. put that on the form and you're good to go. same with any variety/marriage. if you see an FS number for one they haven't done yet then you have to make note of that to be safe. i had to do that with the 48-s/s/s/s 25c and the 45 ddo 10c as i was the first to get those into pcgs holders.
Ok so the pcgs coin number is fine then just wasn’t sure because it wasn’t “linked” to anything on the online submission form. So for the 1971-D Fev +DDO they don’t have a page for that and that’s where I note that or do I send it as an error coin (no option for error on online submission). Also thanks for your help!
welcome. lets hope for a ms66! you probably already know but in case not, the variety numbers are longer than the standard coin numbers.
for sure don't send as an error unless it has one that is worth denoting.
also keep an eye out for varieties they attribute without paying the attribution fee. it won't have the FS or other designation, just a generic Friendly Eagle but many people go this route as the extra fee on top of grading, shipping etc is a bit too much.
Hey thanks for the welcome! Just to be sure on if I submit it I should use PCGS#509951 for the submission? https://www.pcgs.com/coinfacts/coin/1971-d-1-friendly-eagle-fs-901-type-reverse-rdv-006/509951
Also is a DDO even considered an error?I guess that’s where I’m confused. On the form I would use PCGS#509951 and then note DDO if I really wanted it in the label? Sorry for all the questions never really had a coin that wasn’t a straight grade
pretty sure they don't do RPM, DDO etc as errors.
it seems like they may do the ddo/ddr in addition to the friendly eagle. something like RVD or OVD but you really need to look up some attribtued holders to be certain. probably looking for more recent generations of holders will give you the more updated version of the wording for both FS and regular attribution on holders. i would coordinate any pcgs coin number in either pops or the price guide (mostly because i don't use the CF pages for that info) but it may work just fine.
for the record, pcgs DOES NOT DOES NOT do FULL catalog attributions so for some, with more than one obv or rev variation attached to another variety (ie friendy eagle + ddr or ddr) they may not get one of them correct. anacs and icg are usually the way to go, MAYBE segs though i haven't used them for slabs.
probably my last post for the night/morning. i'm getting too close to getting off my schedule.
i'd recommend sending more than one coin at a time or waiting unless something very important/valuable as it will help average out the fees. look over the form carefully before sending as any errors really can delay the process and mark the outside of the package the service tier you are using. especially important for more expensive/faster tiers.
There is no 1971 D DDO variety recognized by PCGS. At best you might get a minor variety if it is actually doubled die. Doubtful to get both on one label. A doubled die is a die variety not an error. Not from a submission and attribution standpoint. The Friendly Eagle is a die variety.
you need the submission (economy, regular, modern, modern economy, ...) and then also variety for that coin
unless it is a listed in redbook
Does anyone actually care about this minor variety? Does anyone actually pay a premium for them? If they pay a premium, is the premium large enough to justify the cost of getting it slabbed as such?
Yes, Yes and yes!!!
I search Ike’s that my fiancé gets for me at the bank (she works in a cash vault) I’ve found two MS65 FEV so far and they sell for 175-225 on eBay so I’d say yes since I get them for a dollar 😋 the one I got on eBay was like 20 bucks looked like a 65 might not get that grade now that I see it but it has the DDO also. Sounds like I won’t be getting the DDO designation from PCGS but my coin microscope can promote that part for me.
Also the few other FEV that I sent in got AU58 with no designation because I screwed it up like I said, even without the designation they sold for 30 bucks a piece.
Also this is the best forum ever thank you everyone for the help. Here are a few pics of the FEV with the DDO incase anyone wanted to see. The doubling is most prominent on the N in IN and T in TRUST matches almost exactly to the pics on variety vista. Not sure how to post pictures directly yet but here is a few in a gallery. https://postimg.cc/gallery/RKQXMNs
Use # 509951 on your submission. If you wish to also write in ""Friendly Eagle" FS-901 Type 1 Reverse RDV-006", so be it, but not absolutely necessary if you put that number down.
As for the DDO, they will not attribute it. If it has this specific DDO, with this specific DDR, then The Ike Group can attrribute and DIVa sticker your coin in the PCGS holder: https://www.ikegroup.info/DIVA listings/1971 D/1D1-301.pdf
- Ike Group member
- DIVa (Designated Ike Varieties) Project co-lead and attributor
Thanks great info I will save that Ike group for sure had no idea that existed I am entering the submission now just as you said I have three total FEV that I’ve collected hopefully they turn out ok in grading. Here is the last one I screwed up if anyone wanted to see lol https://www.ebay.com/itm/1971-D-MS65-Friendly-Eagle-Eisenhower-Ike-Dollar-PCGS-FEV-/373952562857?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
@Reclypso - best of luck!
I have a few nice ones that I am about to send in, including a recently cherry-picked MS peg leg FEV. https://www.ikegroup.info/DIVA listings/1971 D/1D1-201.pdf
FEV Ikes are a great story, and have multiple single die varieties, including DDO/DDR, RPMs, a peg leg, and a number of unique die cracks. I have hundreds of FEVs in my collection / inventory.
- Ike Group member
- DIVa (Designated Ike Varieties) Project co-lead and attributor
Also was wondering how do you even price these varieties i know what a normal fev is worth but how would you even know for say a peg leg DDO or RPM is there a guide for this anywhere?
No guide
If you can’t find similar sold at auction then it is best guess
However, for lesser varieties is there much of a market?
1) get the coin graded and DIVa attributed.
2) check the DIVa population report for relative population
3) check the PCGS price guide for a plus grade and for one grade higher.
4) identify and track your market history
- Ike Group member
- DIVa (Designated Ike Varieties) Project co-lead and attributor