Worst MLB, NFL, NBA, and NHL franchises

in Sports Talk
Which teams established before 1985 have the worst winning percentage all time in their respective league.
Cincinnati Bengals?
The Lions or Browns easily
Bengals have 90 more losses than wins. Lions have 130 more losses than wins but played more games.
For Football I'm thinking Tampa Bay. They were so bad for so long when they came in the league
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Seattle Mariners, Sacramento Kings, hmmmm both my favorite teams go figure !!!!!!!!!
I'm pretty sure about hockey so I'll keep that to myself now. Not sure if the Timberwolves have been around since 85 for hoops. For baseball I'm thinking the Padres.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Jacksonville Jaguars ?
They haven't been around since 1985
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Vancouver Canucks? Just a guess, I'm trying not to google cheat. lol
Could very well be. They are my plan B! I was waiting for someone to guess them and Goldenage telling him he was wrong ; )
I'm thinking Arizona. Hoops I have no idea
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Of the teams that are still around, I agree that San Diego has to have the worst overall record. But the OP didn't restrict the winner to existing teams, so I'm going with the St. Louis Browns among "real" franchises. In the 19th century, franchises came and went constantly, and I'm sure there are several teams that existed for only a few years with even worse records (e.g., the Troy Trojans).
Or in haiku:
San Diego's bad
The Browns may be even worse
But check out Troy's team
Not the Browns. They were a bit better than a .500 team.
The St. Louis Browns? Not even close. They only had a handful of seasons over .500.
Cleveland Browns. You can look it up.
No, I believe you. Just not sure why you mentioned them.
I know they don't count, but The Washington Generals are still in single digits for wins.