Trying to figure out this signature, if it actually is a player autograph.
Any info would be appreciated
Trying to figure out if this signature is legit.
What signature. You haven't posted a photo.
Also, you posted this in the forum for buying/selling instead of the forums for autographs or sports memorabilia.
Allen iverson
@Cul8r said: Allen iverson
Forum members on ignore Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan daltex
Any info would be appreciated
Trying to figure out if this signature is legit.
What signature. You haven't posted a photo.
Also, you posted this in the forum for buying/selling instead of the forums for autographs or sports memorabilia.
Allen iverson
Forum members on ignore
Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan