Calling Buffalo experts, is this a 1914/13 overdate?

I see a few possible die markers but I am no expert in the Buffalo field.
There are seven different over dates listed in the Pope, Wexler, and Flynn book, how many are attributed as such by PCGS?
Unfortunately Ron Pope passed away last November, so he won't be able to reply.
But there may be other folks here who know the answer,
or perhaps you can find info from him on one of the past threads.
Here is one:
Look at the photo below….you can draw your own conclusion, photo from PCGS.
That's only one of them
I would say yes.
I want to say yes too, but the tail of what would be the 3 under the four seems to come out too far- it's touching the ribbon in your photo @Aspie_Rocco but in the PCGS photos it does not touch the ribbon. So I'm leaning towards no. That one is close though, I'd wait for a lot more people to chime in.
Coin Photographer.
It is my observation that the Mint’s Engraving Dept. Made deliberate attempts to tool away the remnants of the 3 on each of the overdated dies, causing significant variations in the underdates.
It was an xf40 that sold for $76 today. I was watching and convinced myself it was one. There are a few die markers that seemed to match some CoinFacts examples but not all. I circled what I see as two die gouges that appear in the same location on some attributed examples, the obvious clash on the throat, and highlighted the cloud-like corner of the 3 with the same shape as a few attributed examples.
This IS an attributed example here with the same gouge dots, cloud like 3 corner and clash. Different coin.
I don't think it is the Overdate. The area in and around the chin looks different on the two specimens.
The raised area on the right side of the 4 does not match up. It should be more rounded and NOT touch the ribbon. east that's the way I see it.
Those of you who have it, check Ron's book. It does go into great detail about this.
It does look similar to DDO-002. NGC no longer certifies any 1914/3's calling them master hub and delisted all. I am not sure what PCGS will certify. Their variety page says no on 1914/3-S. The buffalo experts are not in complete agreement on if this is a true overdate. I remember a thread on these forums a few years ago, if I can find it, I will link.
It looks like the coin you pictured from auction has lamination error on lower neck and field below chin. I am not sure it will straight grade at PCGS.
added the thread I remembered ->
I was wrong and see it is already in a PCGS holder. Looking at the coins with the cert numbers just above and just below this coin, I strongly suspect that variety attribution at PCGS was already tried. 42475924
I decided not to buy it ultimately, and gave up bidding. It was a pcgs xf 40. I will look more in the future, even just to get an unattributed personal example. I appreciate all the input from everyone here.