Greetings From Sunny SoCal!

Hey, I know a lot of you guys live in cold weather places. I feel sorry for you. Wish you could be here with me right now! Sunny SoCal!...It's 93° and rising.......and it's on FIRE!......Too close for comfort!
Hey, I know a lot of you guys live in cold weather places. I feel sorry for you. Wish you could be here with me right now! Sunny SoCal!...It's 93° and rising.......and it's on FIRE!......Too close for comfort!
Hydrant, I'm enjoying the "pleasant weather" season here in South Florida (Loxahatchee,FL). Weather here is very nice this time of year here with highs in the low 80's and lows in the upper 60's and low rain chances most days. But once we get to May 20th, and you can set your calendar by it...intense humidity, 2pm afternoon t-storms, and the constant threat of tropical weather rolling through. But I love it here, been here since I was a young kid and wouldn't trade it for the world! They can keep all that cold and snow up north! No thanks.
The weather here in North Carolina has been really strange, one day it's warm, the next day it's cold. The other day it was so cold, even the family dog wanted no part of it!
Warm and dry today in north Texas. I miss the four distinct seasons of New England. Each comes with challenges and opportunities, but the natural rhythm of reset you can feel when spring comes is a blessing.
Same here. One day it's hot and then the next day it's even hotter.......then it goes back to just being hot again....strange.....BUTT.....the other night the temperature dipped to 33°! FREAK OUT!!!!
Oh, by the way......the Air Force arrived! We're all safe now!
Those guys are BRAVE!
Looks nice, it’s been a long winter as usual here in New England but we are into March so we are getting through it
Ditto here in North Dakota
Set a record high at 83 here yesterday in St. Louis. Finally getting some warmer weather from a brutal February which saw all kinds of weather fluctuations. Tee times for Saturday and Sunday.