This Just In From The Wife. And Another Star Note.
Posts: 9,123 ✭✭✭✭✭
2009 $10 JG01813582*
Successful transactions:Tookybandit. "Everyone is equal, some are more equal than others".
I am a bartender at night and I find at least one star note every night, I love it!
Still looking for a web not but those are tricky to find!
Nothing super rare or old BUT I'm only 33 so I figure by the time I am 65 they will be worth a little and I will have thousands and thousands haha
Last nights find is one Ugly Barr star Note
I found three Barr notes so far in my searches but have not found a Barr Star note yet.
But I did find a web note a week or two ago:
Good old 1988 Web!! I am Looking for one of those every night, it is my birth year after all ha
Is either one worth a hill of beans these days? When I was a kid we found quite a few Barr notes and silver certificates mostly 34,35 and 57 along with 1963 $2 notes.
To this day the silver certificates still aren't worth squat(still have some)because they look a lot better than 1963+ notes.
Are you looking for an 88 web note or just an 88 normal note?
Oh I definitely want an 1988 Web But the hunt is on until she comes across me ha