Philippines and India Coin Errors?

India 1 Pice appears to have some sort of error, maybe struck through?
Philippines 25 Sentimos appears to have a filled P.
India 1 Pice appears to have some sort of error, maybe struck through?
Philippines 25 Sentimos appears to have a filled P.
Philippines - die cud / chip inside of P.
First coin - not sure what I'm looking at.
8 Reales Madness Collection
In the first coin, there is something under the horse that isn’t normally there. I really don’t have any idea what it would be though.
I could post better pictures if needed.
I think that's also a die chip.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Thanks for the help! It’s certainly interesting to say the least.
Somewhere I read that errors out of India are common because someone at their mint was producing them..
Do some research. Maybe " error scope" publication some years ago.
LOL! Sometimes it's harder to find them without some kind of what these microscopic collectors like as errors!