Set not reflecting inventory

I've been adding graded and registered coins to the Silver Eagles Complete Set, Circulation Strikes and Proof (1986-present) but the completion score is not updating. I've added 10 coins so far but my completion rate is still at 0%. Any way I can fix this? Am I missing something? Sorry for the n00b questions. I just started on this journey... any help you might afford would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Maybe you have been putting them into your inventory and not your set. Go to your inventory which should list them, then you can pick what sets to add them to.
open your set, then scroll down, are the left there will be a "ADD" click on that and it will let you add the coin to your set. Just having the coin in inventory will not add the coin to your set, you have to add it
Hope this helps
My Indians
Danco Set
The above two comments don’t help me. I have the same problem.
Explain the problem
My Indians
Danco Set
I found a way by using the PCGS Registry App for iPad and I could do it.
So you're good?
My Indians
Danco Set